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"Where the hell were you Jennie?!" Jennie flinched and it took everything in Y/N not to punch this jerk.

"I told you we'll be out to celebrate Y/N's birthday" Y/N noticed how tight Kai's grip on Jennie's wrist.

"Let Jennie go"

"And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?"

"Listen, asshole. I don't care if your an idol and if you don't let her go right now, I'll make sure to break your teeth."

Jennie was surprised and knowing Y/N since they were kids, she will not hesitate to give the first punch. So what she did was push Kai off before anything bad happens.

"Please just go Kai"

"This isn't over, Y/N. I'll make sure you'll know your fucking place." Kai threatened but Y/N just smirked. When Kai left, Y/N checked Jennie's wrist and noticed a small bruise on it.

"Is he always like this? Has he hurt you before?"

"Kai's a nice guy. He would never hurt me on purpose"

"Like I'm gonna believe that shit, Jennie! Look at what he did!"

"Maybe he's just not in the mood. But I swear he has never hurt me or Ella."

"If he ever laid a hand on you or Ella, don't hesitate to call me. I'll fucking bury him on the ground" Jennie's heart skipped a beat knowing Y/N is still the same. She might've changed a bit but she still cared.

"So, would you like to hangout with me sometime?"

"What?" Jennie facepalmed herself. She smiled when she remembers how forgetful Y/N can be.

"I asked you a while ago if you would like to go out as friends. To catch up. I mean it's been years and I would love to hear your stories."

"Oh, okay."

"Great! Just message me when you're free." Y/N nodded before heading off.



I was still mad at Kai so I decided to stop by a local ice cream shop to calm myself down. Seeing an ice cream reminds me of Ella. How can a sweet and innocent kid come from someone like Kai? Ugh, fuck! I should stop thinking about this.

A few hours passed and I decided to go back to Mina's house. I notice the girls were at the backyard, running around. Momo who's chasing Chaeyoung because she took her jokbal. Sana who is holding a flower, I'm guessing for Tzuyu. Jeongyeon is holding a hose and spraying water on Nayeon and Dahyun. Ugh, how old are they?

"Yah! Kids! Where's Mina?"

"She's in her room, Y/N"

I knocked three times on her door and I entered as soon as I heard a faint 'come in'. Mina is packing up her clothes and I was confused.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to Japan later."

"What?! Why?!"

"There's an emergency on one of my projects and I really have to fix it as soon as possible."

"When will you be back?"

"I don't know babe. Depends on how serious the situation is" It made me sad knowing I won't get to spend much time with her. So, I hugged her.

"I'll miss you baby. Call me when you have time, okay?"

"I will. I want you to behave while I'm gone okay?" I looked at her, confused at her words.

"No partying, Y/N" she looked so serious that I had to stiffle my laugh because if I did laugh, she will definitely kill me. I know she still doesn't like the idea of me getting drunk especially when Sana is here in Korea.

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