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"I told you that the delivery should be today, Mark!"

"I'm sorry ma'am. I thought that they would be able to fabricate the products last friday."

"You should've submitted the plans two weeks before the scheduled delivery! You've been here for a year already and you still don't know what to do!"

"-do your job or else I have no choice but to fire you!" Y/N was fuming in her office. Mark, who was fidgeting his fingers on his lap, couldn't contain his tears anymore.

"Yes ma'am"

"Get the hell out of my office!" Jihyo came as soon as Mark stepped out.

"You're too hard on him, Y/N"

"He's part of a huge company unnie. He should know the pressure by now. Fuck, I wasn't that stupid before!"

"It's because we're all different, Y/N." Jihyo has been noticing the change in Y/N's mood lately. Ever since Mina left two months ago, Y/N couldn't contain her anger in the office. She's always working til morning and it worries Jihyo.

"You should take a week off"

"I can't unnie. I have meetings to attend and I have to supervise that idiot in case he does something stupid again."

"Well, Mina told me to handle your schedule this week"


"Y/N-ah, look at you. You're different now. You're always mad even in the smallest things. You're stressed out that's why I called Mina. She's worried too ya know."

Y/N took a deep breath. Jihyo was right. She has been thinking about a lot of things lately, especially about a certain cat-eyed girl. Ever since what happened that day, Jennie never talked to her again and it's killing her. Y/N admits that she misses her a lot.

"Ice cream!" Y/N saw a little girl running towards her and all the stress she's feeling right now vanished in an instant.

"I'm sorry for barging in like this, Y/N. Ella has been bugging us about you and it's driving Jennie crazy." Jisoo said while rubbing her temple.

"It's okay Jisoo. Did you miss me baby?" Ella nodded frantically and it broke Y/N's heart. It didn't occur to her that the little girl would also be affected with their situation.

If only things aren't this complicated.

"Jihyo unnie, are you sure it's okay to handle the meetings this week?" Jihyo smiled at Y/N and took Ella in her arms, tickling the girl, making the tension in the room disappear.

"Alright, do you want to go to the amusement park with me, Ella?" The little girl squealed and Jisoo motioned Y/N to come talk to her.

"Y/N, I don't think that's a good idea. I have work later. Besides, I only snuck Ella here without Jennie's consent and she's definitely going to kill me if she finds out." Y/N looked back at Ella who was busy drawing imaginary circles on Jihyo's arm.

"I miss Ella so much. It's been so long since I last saw her and I don't know when will I see her again. I need her unnie" Jisoo was debating to let Y/N be with Ella for a while. She can see how much Y/N loves Ella and it wouldn't hurt to spend a few hours together, right?

"Fine. Just be back at the dorm before 6 or else I'm gonna kick your ass, okay?" Y/N hugged Jisoo as the latter bid goodbye to Ella and Jihyo.

"Let's go, Ella."


"I want that teddy bear!" Ella pointed the rainbow-colored bear and Y/N wanted nothing but to win that shooting game for the kid.

"Okay baby"

Y/N remembered the time when she and Jennie were in the same spot years ago. Jennie wanted a unicorn plushie and Y/N being so inlove with her bestfriend, tried her best to win. After a few failed attempts, Jennie took over Y/N's place and win herself that plushie.

"You know Ella, your mom is great in this game."


"Yes. She won a few prizes here. She even gave me a unicorn plushie even if she wanted it so bad"

"Why would mommy give it if she loved it so much?"

"She told me she doesn't want me to feel bad for not winning the prize for her" Y/N said before aiming the gun at the small target. She wasn't good but she was determined this time, for this little girl. And when she won that bear, she and Ella couldn't stop jumping up and down.

"This is the best day ever!!!" Ella screamed while hugging Y/N's leg.

"Thank you mama" Y/N's eyes widened as soon as it slipped Ella's mouth. The little girl was shocked too but she has always wanted to call the older girl 'mama'.

"I-I'm sorry ice cream. I didn't mean to"

"You can call me Mama, Ella. I don't mind." Y/N's heart was leaping with joy and she honestly couldn't wipe the grin off her face.

"-Come on let's go home, it's getting late"


Y/N was driving when she decided to ask Ella about her dad.

"Uhm, Ella? Could you tell me more about your father?" The little girl dropped her bear and stared at the window. Her eyes were brimming with tears and Y/N pulled the car on the sidewalk.

"Baby what's wrong?" Y/N unbuckled Ella's seatbelt and placed the little girl on her lap. She wrapped her little arms around Y/N's neck and sobbed harder.

"Please don't make me go to him Mama!"

"Why? What happened, Ella?"

"H-he's hurting me, mama. I showed him a drawing of mommy, daddy, me and you then he grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall." To say that Y/N was mad is an understatement. She wanted to kill Kai right then and there. How could he hurt such an innocent girl? And to think that she's his daughter!

"Please don't tell mommy! Daddy said he will hurt mommy too if I tell her" Y/N held the girl tighter but Ella flinched. Y/N looked at Ella's back and tears start to form in her eyes. She couldn't imagine the trauma Ella is experiencing at such a young age.

Y/N held Ella for about an hour and drove after Ella fell asleep.


Y/N carefully knocked on the door and was welcomed by a fuming Jennie. Y/N gave Ella to Roseanne while Jennie had to drag you away from Jisoo.

"I was worried sick when I found out the Ella wasn't with Jisoo but then she told me you took her out!" It took a lot of courage for Y/N not to break down in front of Jennie but a single tear managed to escape her brown eyes which caught Jennie off guard.

"Jen, he's hurting Ella"



Jennie slapped Y/N's left cheek and Jisoo had to go in between them.

"How dare you make up stories?! Kai has always been a good father to Ella!"

"Then explain to me how Ella got those bruises on her back, Jennie!"

"S-she told me she fell from the swing at the park"

"You honestly believed that?! Ella told me everything!"

"Just go home, Y/N. We don't need you" Y/N was hurt because Jennie did it again.

"After all these years, you'd still choose him over me."

A/N: what do you guys think of the story? Honestly, my heart is hurting for Mina. Anywaaaay, I just want to tell my lovely readers to keep safe and wear your masks, okay? ❤❤❤

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