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"You look like shit"

"Wow thanks unnie" Jennie rolled her eyes before placing her hands on her bare face.

"Jennie, what if Y/N's right? I mean Ella told her and kids don't lie about things like that."

"I asked Ella and she dodged every question about her father. I don't know what to do, Jisoo unnie"

"What if Kai is threatening Ella?"

"You think so?"

"To be honest, I've never liked Kai. He has this aura that's mysterious to me and I don't know if I should be terrified of it."

"-ask Ella one more time. Or maybe, we could ask Y/N for help. She could talk to Ella and we could put a recorder or something."



On the other hand, Y/N couldn't fall asleep. Her thoughts were clouded by Ella and Jennie. Kai should be put to jail but she doesn't have a concrete proof.


Y/N snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the girl on her laptop. She forgot that she's on a video call with Mina.


"What's wrong, baby? You've been spacing out lately. Whenever I talk to you, it's like your not interested in what I say."

"I'm sorry, Mina. I love your stories don't get me wrong okay? But there are some things that just can't seem to get out of my head."

"Are you having second thoughts about us getting married?" Mina was trembling in fear. She doesn't know why she had to ask her that question.

"What? No! What are you talking about? I love you Mina." After hearing those comforting words from her fiancé, Mina let out a sigh of relief.

"Then what's bothering you?"

"Kai is hurting Ella and Jennie doesn't seem to believe me when I told her."


"I want to help, Mina. You know how much I love that kid, right? But I can't figure out how to help her."

"Baby, I have a friend who's a private investigator. He's the best in the field. We could ask him for help and then we could put Kai to jail."

"You would do that?"

"Y/N, I love you so much and I would do anything for you. If that kid means so much to you then I'll help."

"I love you so much Mina. I really do"

The sound of the doorbell interrupted the two and Y/N asked Mina to wait for her.


"Hey, Y/N can we talk?"

"Uh yeah. Come in"

Jennie sat on the couch and noticed the laptop placed on the center table.

"Hey Jennie" Mina smiled at the girl.


"Listen Jen, I told Mina about Ella and she said she has a friend who could help us. Please let us help you and Ella." Jennie was surprised that Mina wanted to help as well. She was indeed the perfect girl for Y/N.

"Thank you Mina. Listen, Y/N. I'm sorry for what I said last time."

"It's okay Jennie." Y/N's still in pain when she remembers Jennie choosing Kai over him but seeing Jennie today, asking her and Mina for help, made it all better.

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