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Eva got home and saw Demetri on the couch with Eli. They were having a little chat. And when she noticed Eli smiling at her and her face turned red and she smiled back while closing the door softly. Her whole face was burning

"Look who entered the house,'' Demetri said playfully. Eva rolled her eyes and walked upstairs to her bedroom in a rush. She was a little shy after seeing Eli there.

She headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. After taking a nice, warm bath, she wrapped a soft white towel around her body. When she noticed that her phone was ringing she quickly grabbed it from the night desk. There were 7 missed calls from Miguel. "Oh shit" She rushed and put on clothes. Putting clothes on after a bath was a real struggle. She put on a red top and some dark blue jeans. When she was all done and ready, Eva grabbed her phone and keys and ran downstairs.

"Woah Woah calm down there. Where are you going?" Demetri asked her. "None of your business," She said while fake smiling at him. Eli softly let out a laugh, causing Eva to smile.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

When she got out of the car she called Miguel, but he wasn't picking up her phone. Eva walked towards his apartment and knocked on his door nervously. A beautiful tall woman with brown curly hair opened the door. Her eyes were the same as Miguel's, you could tell. "Yes?" She asked with a smile. "I'm here to see Miguel, '' Eva said with a smile on her face. "Oh he's at the debate team," She told her and left Eva really confused. Miguel told her that he was doing karate after school.

"But-" She immediately got cut off by the sound of her loud ringtone. She looked at her phone and saw Miguel's picture. Eva smiled at her phone and picked it up. "Where are you?" He asked her quietly with a whispery voice. "I'm in front of your house?" She answered him back. "Is my mom there?" He asked her. She had no idea what was going on. "Yeah, she's right here, why?" She got cut off by Miguel once again. "Meet me at the store right next to my apartment. Eva's eyes caught the store that he was talking about, and she then hung up.

"Thank you, Ms. Diaz," She said respectfully, with a smile. "No problem" Carmen (Ms.Diaz) returned a smile and softly closed the door. Eva put her phone in the back pocket and walked towards the store. When she had almost reached the store, her eyes caught the tall boy standing there. "Debate team?" She asked him curiously with a raised brow. " My mom doesn't know I do karate. She won't allow me to" He answered her while leading her to the dojo.

A bell rang as they entered the dojo. Eva noticed that there was no one. She had expected a lot of kids but the dojo was empty. A blonde man suddenly walked out of the office behind the dojo. "No yoga till five," He said rudely. Miguel walked up to the blonde man "Sensei, this is Eva. Eva perry ''. The man looked down at Miguel confused. "Oh so this is your girlfriend" Johnny guessed and Miguel got a little embarrassed. Meanwhile, Eva was staring at both of them totally blank.

"No sensei, she's just a friend," Miguel explained and the blonde man looked at him with disbelief. Eva hugged herself while looking around in the dojo. She missed karate and her dad so much. Karate always made her feel like her dad was with her. The place just brought back all the memories she had with her dad.

"Alright take off your shoes and hop on the mat. '' He told Eva and Miguel smiled at her to make her feel welcome. She smiled back confusedly. Eva came to the dojo to just watch. But she didn't mind trying, so she took off her shoes and stepped on the mat
"Let's see what you've got Ms. Perry '' He told Eva, thinking that she would fight like a real "girl". Both Eva and Miguel got into fighting positions, as the man commanded. "I'm not gonna hit you hard, don't worry," Miguel told Eva confidently. He had no idea that the girl he was trying to protect would kick his ass in just a few seconds. She lightly laughed at the cute overprotective boy. "FIGHT!" The man shouted, making Miguel flinch. He threw a punch at her but she blocked it with her hand. Eva quickly bowed and spun her leg around making Miguel fall on the ground. "This girl is a natural cobra, '' the blonde man commented. You could tell that he had never seen a girl fight like that before. Miguel's jaw was dropped and he kept staring at her widely with shock.

She lightly smirked and gave him a hand. "That was awesome. How did you-" Eva cut him off, as she knew what he was about to ask her. "You think you're the only one who does karate?" She said and giggled at his shocked face. "Miguel come here for a second," The blonde man said and walked towards the office. "I'll be right back," Miguel smiled at the girl and followed his sensei in the office.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that your girlfriend does karate?" Johnny asked, surprised. "Sensei she's not my girlfriend" Miguel corrected him, once again "Yeah whatever, but we need her on the team. Can you convince her to join Cobra kai?" Johnny asked Miguel with puppy eyes. He couldn't even control his eyes, which just made it even funnier. "Well, I'll see what I can do". Both of them walked out at the same time with smiles on their faces. Eva looked at both of them suspiciously. She knew that every time someone would smile like that, it would never be something good.

"So Uhm. Do you maybe......wanna join cobra kai?" Miguel asked her nervously. He was scared of being rejected by her. "What's better than kicking your friend's ass every day?" She asked him playfully, making Johnny smirk. "I'd love to join Cobra Kai," She said with a smile.

"That-That's awesome," Miguel said excitedly looking back and forth at johnny. "That's my boy" Johnny told Miguel and clapped his back causing him to groan. Eva laughed at both of them. "Call me sensei from now on" Johnny told her proudly. "Yes sensei" She smiled at him. Suddenly Miguel's phone started ringing. "Where's that garbage coming from? Do you hear that?" Johnny said while looking around confusedly. Eva tried to hold her laugh inside. Miguel picked up the phone.

"Hey. Yeah uhh...debate is running a little late. Uhh okay. Love you too" He said with a smile and put his phone back in his pocket. Eva already knew that he was talking to Ms. Diaz "Don't tell me you have another girlfriend" Johnny was surprised. Eva started laughing lightly. "That was my mom actually. I told her I joined the debate team cause she doesn't approve of violence". Miguel's smile slowly faded away. He got cut off by johnny. "Yeah what about your dad? Is he okay with you getting your ass kicked up and down in reseda boulevard?" Miguel sighed at Johnny's question.

"Oh I never...uhh really knew my dad so..." Eva knew exactly what he was going through. She didn't have a dad either. Johnny looked a little sad after hearing that. He looked at Miguel and there was an awkward silence.

"Alright well...stop standing there and get back to training," Johnny said and pointed at the cleaning products.

Miguel sat down and started cleaning. Eva looked at them with confusion and started giggling at Miguel. Johnny caught her laughing, and said "Well you too Ms. Perry '' He pointed at the products beside Miguel. She joined Miguel and they both smiled at each other while cleaning.

"And change that ringtone. Get some Guns N' Roses or something" Johnny said while walking towards his office. "What's Guns N' Roses?" Miguel asked confusedly, making Eva laugh at his stupidness.

"Im gonna pretend you didn't say that" Johnny pointed at him as he walked backward. Miguel looked back at Eva who was already laughing at him cutely. He smiled at her, causing her to blush. She couldn't really control it. After looking at each other for a moment, they both continued cleaning. 

If you guys have any ideas you are welcome to inform me :) Don't forget to vote! Love you guys <3 Enjoy

Also, comment your favorite character in cobra kai

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