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Later that day Eva was at the dojo with Miguel, Aisha and some other kids. Half of the kids quit because of Johnny's rude behavior. But afterall it was a test. Johnny walked out of the office.

"Everybody, fall in" He yelled and everybody got in the same position as yesterday. Johnny looked at the kids and noticed that half of them were gone.

"Where is everyone? Crater face? Nose ring? Slingshot?" He looked around.

Miguel was the first one to break the silence. "They quit, sensei" He said while looking down. Sensei looked dissappointed.

"Are you serious?" He looked around and changed his tone immediately.

"I mean, good. It was a test. I wanted to see who the quitters are. Not you guys" He pointed at them. 

"You're in it to win it, right? You could be at home playing your icomputers, playing your videogames, eating candy. Instead youre here, doing push-up, learning how to fight." He then poitned at Eli and Eva sighed when she saw Johnny eyes on Eli.

"Oh come on" Eva whispered to herself.

"Lip. Look. Even lip's tougher than those guys. He's not a quitter." Eli looked up at Johnny nervously.

"C-Could you please not call me that?" Eli stood up for himself and a smile appeared on Eva's face. 

Johnny looked shocked. "Exuse me what?" And that was when Eli spoke a little louder. "I, uh...said, could you please not call me that?" Eva's smile dissapeared as she felt nervous.

"Um, I'll warm them up, sensei" Miguel looked just as nervous as Eva. 

Johnny shushed Miguel but his eyes were on Eli. "No, lip has something he wants to say." Eva could see Eli getting more and more nervous. 

"Sorry, speak up, lip. Or is your tounge messed up too?" Eva's hearts started beating. She hated when people made fun of Eli. Everytime someone just touch him, her her blood starts boiling. Eva looked at both of them, worried. 

"Are you one of those challenging kids?" Johnny asked Eli while taking a few steps towards Eli. 

"Um, the doctor said I could be one the spectrum" Eva was nervous and she was fiddling with her fingers. Johnny looked at him annoyed.

"I don't know what that is, but get off it pronto. All right? If you dont want me to call you lip, then dont have a weird lip. Can't you get a surgery?"

Eva was staring at Johnny with disbelief. She was disgusted at Johnny. Eva always thought that he was just like Eva's dad, but she was totally wrong.

Eli spoke again. "I was born with a cleft lip. This is the scar from the surgery." Johnny looked at him up and down.

"You mean it was worse before that? Or did the doctor just screw up? Because if this is the after photo, that sucks man. You should sue." Eli interrupted Johnny nervously.

"Can we just please, change the topic?" Eli asked him nervously. Eva looked at Johnny and tears fell down her cheeks. She tried to hold back the tears but she couldn't. Eva really didn't expect Johnny to be a...bully.

Johnny almost yelled at Eli. "You dont think i want to? It's though when it's right in front of me. If you wanna be something other than a nerd with a scar on his lip, you gotta flip the script." Eli looked up at Johnny confusely.

Johnny continued. "Get a face tattoo or gouge your eye out. We'll call you patch, all right?" Johnny was obviously a bully when he was younger, since he was having fun with bullying all the students.

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