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The picture on the top is Eva's outfit for the date :)


Eva got out of the bathroom, with the towel wrapped around her body. She had butterflies in her stomach and she was so exited for the date. Her clothes were already on the bed, ready to be put on. 

When she got ready with her clothes and hair and makeup, she went downstairs. Demetri was playing videogames on the tv in the living room. Demetri looked at Eva, shocked.

"Where are you going?" Demetri looked at his sister with squinted eyes. 

"I'm just hanging out with some friends tonight? Hey have you seen mom?" Eva didn't wanted Demetri to know that she was going out with Hawk. Demetri sighed. 

"I don't know....mom and dad aren't home that often now..." Demetri looked down at his feet dissappointed. Eva knew exactly what he was feeling. She walked towards him and took a seat beside Demetri on the couch. 

"Hey, It's gonna be okay. I promise" Eva put a hand on Demetri's shoulder, causing him to look up at her. She softly wrapped her arms around her brother. Eva tried so hard to hold back her tears. Demetri didn't know what to say. She never hugged him before. Eva quickly let go of him as her phone started ringing. 

"Oh i gotta go. Uhm...have fun with your....uhh...game tonight?" Eva gave him the famous handguns and walked out of the door. Demetri just laughed at his weird sister.

Eva closed the door behind her and she was now standing outside her door. She looked down at her phone and saw 2 miss calls from Hawk. Just as she was about to call him back, a car stopped right outside of her house. She looked up and saw Hawk in the car. She smiled at him and walked towards the car. Hawk couldn't take his eyes off her. She looked beautiful. Eva took a seat beside Hawk. 

"Hey there" She smiled at the boy while putting on her seatbelt. He smiled back at her causing her to blush. 

"Wow, you look...a-amazing" Eva giggled at the cute stuttering boy.

"Not better than you" She smiled and leaned towards Hawk to kiss him. He put one of his hand on her cheek and kissed her back.

"So where are we going?" Eva asked the boy with the mohawk, causing him to smirk at her.

"You'll find out" He smiled at her and started the car. Eva playfully rolled eyes at Hawk. She turned on the radio and the song (we fell in love in october ) was playing. Eva gasped loudly.

"OMG I LOVE THIS SONG!" Eva yelled all of sudden. Hawk smiled at the girl and focused on the road meanwhile. She turned the volume up and started singing along loudly with a smile on her face. 

"You will be my girl, my girl, my girl, my girl..." Hawk couldn't take his eyes of the beautiful singing brunette. Eva was dancing inside the car and everyone outside was looking at her. She didn't care and neither did Hawk. He just kept smiling at the girl. She looked at Hawk at giggled. 


"Hey, I'll go get us something to drink" Hawk got up from the table and winked at her causing her to blush. They were sitting at a fancy resturant, which she didn't expect. Hawk told her that there was one more surprise for her. She was daydreaming about the boy she loved and smiled.

"What are you talking about? We cant steal a car." Eva heard a voice from the table beside her. She looked up with wide eyes and saw three boys sitting at a table. And that was when she noticed the blonde boy with green eyes. It was the boy who was at the dojo that day. He was wearing a Larusso shirt...? Eva's heart started beating and she got nervous. She started fiddling with her hands while looking down. Eva knew that they were going to steal a car from the Larusso's. 

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