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"Are you nervous?" Miguel turned to look back at Eva. They were standing in a line, ready to go out as their name would be called. Eva could hear all the noises of the people cheering.

"I dont know...maybe?" Eva nervously answered him and exhaled loudly. 

"Hey, you're gonna do just great. Dont give up" Miguel smiled at Eva and she felt more calm. Eva all of sudden smelled a strong cologne, and immediately recognized it. She turned around and saw Hawk standing right behind her. Eva loved that smell, and suddenly all the memories came in her head. Her first date with him. Her first kiss with him....

They made eyecontact and Eva nervously smiled at him while looking at Miguel's back. Eva had butterflies in her stomach, and she nervously hugged herself. She missed Hawk.

Eva was scared that Daniel Larusso would be there. She didn't want him to see her. Daniel was like her dad, he trusted her. Eva kept lying to him and Sam. They had no idea she was a cobra kai.

She suddenly got pulled out of her daydream when she heard their name being called. Everyone were yelling cobra kai and they followed Miguel. 

"Cobra kai! Cobra kai! Cobra kai!" Everyone were clapping at them and cheering.

"Now that's what i call an entrance!" The man yelled and Eva felt more confident now. She wanted to do this for her dad.

"And a badass name for a dojo!" He continued. And that was when Eva's heart stopped. Her eyes caught Daniel. He looked disappointedly at his feet after hearing the name cobra kai. She immediately lowered her look and tried to hide her face.

Now Miguel was standing on her right side and Hawk on her left. He just couldn't take his eyes off her the whole time. Eva caught him staring at her and nervously smiled at him. 

"Whoo! Go, Hawk!" Moon yelled and Eva turned to look at her with a glare. Her blood started boiling. Eva then looked back at Hawk.

"Eva i need to talk to you" Hawk was sorry and he really missed Eva.

"I dont wanna talk to you, but i think she'd love to." She fake smiled at him while pointing at Moon.

"Look it's not-" Hawk was getting pissed off now. 

"Can you just focus on the tournament. I dont want to be distracted right now." Eva cut him off while looking at her feet nervously. Hawk was trying to control his anger by turning his hands into a fist and sqeeze them as hard as he could. He put his hand behind his back and looked straight up.

"And finally fighting unaffiliated from north hills, we have Mr. Robby Keene" Eva's heart stopped as she saw him running past her. He smirked at her and her heart was beating of nervousness. To get back to focus, she started breathing slowly while closing her eyes. 


Eva was the first one to fight with a guy in a red gi. She was nervous as she heard her name called out. The whole team was cheering her. 

"Eva you this. I believe in you" Johnny smiled at her and that boosted her confidence. She stepped on the mat and the whole team was yelling her name and cheering her up. 

"And face me. Bow. Face eachother. Bow." The man said and Eva looked the boy in the eyes. He suddenly winked at her with a smirk, causing her to feel uncormfortable. 

"Come on Eva!" She heard a really loud voice and immediately recognized it. It was Hawk. He kept cheering her. Eva smiled as she heard his voice and got ready for the famous kick. 

"Ready?" The man asked her and they both answered him. 

"And fight!" The boy immediately ran towards her and she threw a kick on his face causing him to fall down on the floor.

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