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"Come on, i'll drive you guys" Johnny said and walked outside of the dojo. The two teens followed him. Miguel took a seat in the front, while Eva quietly sat in back. Johnny started the car and put on some loud music. She had butterflies in her stomach, and the music just got her more excited for the big party.

A few minutes later the car stopped and Eva noticed that the car was right outside the school. Johnny turned off the music and turned around to look at the kids in the back. "Have fun. But not too much" He winked at Miguel playfully. Miguel's face turned red in a split second and he nervously laughed at Johnny so that Eva wouldn't notice what was really going on. laughing as both of them got outside the car.

"Are you ready?" Miguel asked her as both of them were standing outside the school. "You bet your ass I am" She answered him excitedly. When both of them started walking towards the door, Eva caught some boys staring at her. They were being flirty and kept pointed at her. The boys were saying dirty things about her and made her feel very uncomfortable. But suddenly she felt a tight grip on her hand. Once she looked up, she saw the boy smiling at her. He was trying to make her feel comfortable. A light smile automatically appeared on her face and she felt safe with Miguel around her. Even though she was the one who kicked his ass all the time.

They stepped into the big hall and almost everyone was staring at Eva. Her costume was really attractive and it caught a lot of attention. Miguel and Eva caught Demetri and Eli standing beside the table, and walked towards them. While walking, Eva noticed Sam who was standing with Yasmine and Moon. They were wearing cheerleading costumes. Sam and Eva smiled at each other awkwardly and broke eye contact again. And that was when she saw Kyler and his friends staring at her. They were being flirty just like the other guys at the parties she went to. She rolled eyes with a sigh and focused on Eli and Demetri.

Eli and Demetri's jaws dropped when they saw Eva in that costume. "Mom and Dad let you wear that?" Demetri asked her with a disgusted face. "Oh this is nothing. You should've seen my old costumes. Ten times worse" She said sarcastically, and tried to annoy Demetri on purpose. Miguel let out a light giggle, while Eli was just staring at her. He was speechless, you could tell. Eva caught him staring at her and he looked away immediately. Her cheeks turned red within a second. It was uncontrollable.

"So...skeleton, classic. Nice." Demetri said to Miguel with a raised brow. "Thanks, I like your sorcerer costume," Miguel complimented back at him. "Sorcerer? Oh please, I'm a necromancer" Demetri corrected Miguel with an attitude. But Miguel had no clue what Demetri was bluffing about. Eva rolled eyes at her nerdy stepbrother. "What?" Miguel asked Demetri with a questioning face.

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Eva didn't pay attention to the conversation. Instead, she was looking around. In that, she saw Aisha standing alone. Eva walked up to Aisha with a smile on her face.

"Hey, i like your costume". Eva scanned Aisha's outfit with a surprised face. "Thanks uhh it doesn't really work without the chloride" She answered back with her smile slowly fading away. Her eyes were on Sam, who was chatting with the others. " I don't know, sodium is pretty badass. It's the silent killer" Eva said playfully, causing Aisha to laugh.

"Hey uhh" Eva was about to talk, but she got cut off by Aisha immediately. "It's okay. I'd rather go as sexy than funny too...if i had that option" Aisha lowered her look with a sad expression. And that broke Eva's heart. She grabbed Aisha's hand softly "Hey don't say that" Eva tried to be supportive and surprisingly it worked. Aisha looked up at Eva and returned a smile.

Eva noticed the boys standing beside the punch table nervously and quietly. They were just looking at Eva. You could tell that they had never been to a real party before. "We should hang out sometimes. It's been way too long" Eva told Aisha with a smile. "I'd love that," Aisha answered excitedly. "Well I'll talk to you later. Stay salty my friend" Eva said with a wink and caused both of them to laugh.

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