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Later that day Miguel and Eva decided to meet at the dojo and tell Johnny about the crazy fight at school.

"All four of them?" Johnny has never been that surprised before.

"Yeah" Miguel answered Johnny excitedly. Johnny turned to Eva with a surprised look.

"Even that big dumb one?" Johnny said causing Eva to giggle.

"Yeah, I-It all happend so fast. Everything just came together. I was blocking, i anticipated i slithered." Miguel was confused but proud of himself at the same time. He didn't know how he did all that. 

"How about you? Did you get any of them?" The boys were looking at her.

"Yeah, i mean i kicked Bruck's ass" Johnny looked at her with confusion. 

"The chubby guy?" She tried to explain to Johnny

"Oh that's impressive" He started thinking about something while Miguel and Eva looked at eachother with confusion. What was Johnny thinking about?

"Your mom's gonna kill the three of us now" Johnny looked worried.

"She would if she knew" Eva raised her brow and looked at the bad boy with a smirk.

"When my school called, my yaya answered. I've never seen her so proud....she wont talk" He smiled at Johnny.

"Alright so let me get this straight. You took all the lessons i taught you...and used them...to straight-up beat the shit out of those punks?" Johnny got up and walked toward the confused teens. 

"Well, yeah" Miguel answered Johnny confused. Johnny nodded and spoke again.

"You two, follow me." He said while walking out of the office. Miguel and Eva looked at eachother with confusion. What was going on?

He was leading them to the parking lot and stopped as they reached to the back of his car. He opened the trunk and they saw two gi's in his car. 

"This is the gi's the Cobra Kai's were wearing for our training for our first tournament back in 81. I want you guys yo have it. You've earned it." Johnny handed the gi's to the teens. Miguel and Eva were proud of themselfs. They really did earn it. 

"Thank you sensei" Eva and Miguel said at the same time and smiled at eachother. Johnny smiled back at them proudly.

All of sudden Miguel hugged Johnny. Eva smiled at both of them. But suddenly she noticed a boy standing next to the dojo staring at them. She looked at him with confusion and he made eyecontact with her. He looked dissappointet for some reason. The boy kept staring at Eva and walked away. That was weird. Who was that boy? She stopped thinking about that boy and noticed Miguel and Johnny hugging eachother. A smile appeared on her face as she saw them.

"Guys shouldn't we celebrate or something?" Eva interrupted their moment.

Both of them looked at her with a smile.

"What do you suggest?" Miguel asked Eva

"I was thinking maybe we could go out and eat or something?" Eva wasn't sure.

"Sounds great, I'll pay" Johnny said and and took a seat in his car. Miguel and Eva smiled at eachother and followed him. 


They were sitting at a resturant talking about Johnny's old school karate. This was the resturant where Eva and her dad used to come to. They kept talking but Eva's mind was somewhere else. And suddenly a waitress appeared out of the blue. She had black hair and brown eyes. You could tell that she was beautiful.

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