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After training Eva was sitting on the ground while putting her shoes on. Her nose was still hurting alot, but she could live with that. Atleast her nose didn't break. Hawk was standing outside the dojo, waiting for her. She smiled at his back and blushed. When she was done putting on her shoes, she quickly walked out of the dojo, to join Hawk. 

"Hey" She tapped his shoulder and he turned around to look her in the eyes. She blushed as she saw the boy's cute smile. 

"Hey, uhm i actually wanted to ask you about something." Eva looked at him worried. 

"Ask me about what?" Some of the hair covered her face because of the wind. Hawk smirked at her and pushed the hair behind her ear causing her to blush. She could just feel the butterflies in her stomach.

"I wanted to ask you, if you wanted to hang out later. We could do something fun." Eva exhaled loudly. She thought it was something serious. 

"Are you asking me out?" She asked him playfully causing him to blush a little. 

"Well, yeah...I mean-" She gabbed his hands and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. The sound of her heartbeat was running in her ears. It felt like they were the only two persons in the whole world. She let go of him and looked him in the eyes with a cute smile.

"I'd love to go out with you" She told him, while her hands was still holding his. And that was when she remembered that she forgot her phone inside the dojo.

"Oh I forgot my phone inside the dojo. I'll be right back." She smiled at him and opened the door to the dojo. Hawk just looked down at his phone and noticed tons requested from other girls. But the girl he wanted, was right in front of him. He looked up at Eva who was inside the dojo and smiled. He then looked down at his phone again. 

Eva stepped inside of the dojo and looked around for her phone. She couldn't find it and that got her worried. She buried her hands on her head and looked around. And that was when she heard voices coming from the dojo...again. She walked closer to the noises, and this time she decided to stand in the doorway with her arms crossed. She saw Miguel talking to Johnny.

"Well, theres a girl at school..." Miguel told Johnny nervously but got cut off.

"Is she hot?" Johnny asked him and took a sip of his beer. Eva giggled quietly, so that they wouldn't notice her. Miguel didn't answer his question and continued.

"She's super smart..." Johnny kept cutting Miguel off and Eva was triying so hard not to laugh.

"Hot?" Johnny smirked at Miguel's nervous face. Miguel didn't answer his question once again and continued.

"Funny and smart...." Johnny cut him off again causing him to exhale loudly.

"Hot?" Eva looked at Miguel and she knew exactly who he was talking about. 

"Yes she's hot, super hot" Miguel nodded with a smile. Johnny smiled back at him. 

"Nice" He nodded at Miguel. 

"I think you would really like her, she likes karate and...I mean i wanna ask her out but i just dont know" Eva looked up at Miguel with wide eyes. Was he talking about her or Sam?. Johnny looked at Miguel and got up. He started walking towards Miguel. 

"Dont know? What is there to think about? She's hot and- " Suddenly her phone started ringing and she almost jumped of shock. Both Miguel and Johnny caught Eva standing in the doorway. She akwardly smiled at them.

"I just...uhh, I came here to...look for my phone. NOT that i was listening to you guys..." Her head was red of embarrassment and she didn't know what she was saying. Johnny looked at Eva with a raised eyebrow, while Miguel was smiling at his crazy stalker-bestfriend.

"I'm just gonna...go" Eva did the handguns akwardly and walked away to grab her phone that was on the floor under the bench. She grabbed it and walked outside. She grabbed her phone and walked out to Eli who was still waiting for her.

"Look who decided to show up again" He joked at her causing her to grin. 

"Hey, I couldn't find my phone okay?" She lightly punched his chest while smiling. And that was when she looked up at him and noticed him smiling at her. He slowly leaned forward and kissed her while putting his hands on her cheeks. Eva really loved Hawk. He was special...

"I'll pick you up at 8" He winked at Eva who smiled at him. He grabbed her hand and they walked towards Eva's house. 


They were now standing in front of her apartment. They looked eachother in the eyes and Eva couldn't stop smiling. Eva broke the silence.

"So, where are we going later?" She asked the boy with the mohawk. He smirked at her.

"Sorry, cant tell you babe, I'll see you later" He winked at her and kissed her on the cheek and walked away. Eva looked down at her feet with smile. She couldn't stop blushing. Eva then walked into her apartment with exitement. 

When she walked inside the apartment she noticed Demetri sitting on the couch. She missed Demetri. 

"Hey Demetri, how are you doing?" He looked up at her with a shocked face. She was smiling at him. 

"Are you drunk?" He asked her causing her to laugh and roll eyes at him. She loved his humor. Eva walked upstairs to take a shower and get ready for tonight. Demetri looked at his confusing sister. He sighed and looked down at his phone again.


This chapter wasn't that long tbh. But yeah, I hope you'll like it. And also, where do you think Hawk will take her?....

Dont forget to vote<3 Love youuuu

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