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The next day Eva was sitting in the classroom with Miguel. He was telling Eva about the new website that he made for Cobra Kai. But Miguel suddenly changed the subject.

"Hey uhm, do you wanna come over today? My mom wants to meet you. We could watch a movie or something...if you want to" Miguel asked her nervously.

"I'd love to, BUT i get to choose the movie then." Eva told Miguel playfully causing him to laugh quietly. She blushed as she saw his cute laugh.


Eva was sitting at the lunch table alone. She was waiting for the boys. Eva sighed and looked around in the cafeteria but she didn't see any of them.

And that was when her eyes caught Sam. She was walking alone trying to find a place to sit. Yasmine and Moon kept glaring a Sam. Eva felt bad for Sam. Afterall she used to be her best friend. Sam walked up to Aisha's table.

"Oh dont even think about it" Aisha said rudely. Eva was shocked. She didn't expect Aisha to talk like that to Sam.

"Come on i need a place to sit" Sam told her quietly.

"You can sit with Kyler. I heard he doesn't mind that you suck" Aisha spit at Sam. Eva couldn't believe Aisha right now. Just because they weren't friends anymore doesn't mean that Aisha get to be like that.

Sam was glaring at her and she aggresseively walked up to Kyler. Everyone was staring at her. She pushed his lightly from the back causing him to turn around and face her. 

Eva heard some nasty lies about Sam but she knew that it wasn't true at all. She knew her very well. Sam wasn't like that.

"You think it's funny to spread lies about me?" Sam crossed her arms. You could tell that she was pissed.

"What are you talking about? We saw a movie and that's it...Well maybe i saw a little bit more than you". Everyone started laughing at Sam. And that was when Brucks interrupted.

"Yeah we heard you get pretty choked up." They were making fun of her. Sam all of sudden pushed Kyler's tray on the floor. 

"Hey guys. You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad. Everyone in the cafeteria started making noises like "Ooooh". 

That made Eva's blood boil. She couldn't hold back anymore. Eva walked up to Sam. Sam looked at Eva with a smile. Now Sam and Eva was standing right next to eachother facing Kyler.

"What are you doing here you slut! Dont you have some dick to suck?" Kyler told Eva causing everybody to laugh at her. 

"Oh and this slut also heard that the size of you dick is smaller than a shrimp." Eva spit at his face causing everybody to laugh at Kyler. Sam looked at her in shock. Eva smirked at Kyler's humiliated face. He was glaring at her and started walking closer to her untill a voice said.


"Hey Kyler!" The voice sounded familiar. Both of the girls looked at Miguel who put his tray on Aisha's table aggressively. Eva smirked at Miguel because she knew that this time, Miguel was going to beat Kyler's ass. He walked towards Kyler and he looked pissed.

"Why dont you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" Kyler and his friends started walking towards Miguel with anger.

"Want another beat down Rhea?" Kyler pushed Miguel hard on the chest. 

"I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time" Kyler pushed him even harder causing Miguel to bump into Aisha's table. Aisha nervously got up and looked at them.

"It's not lame ass karate." Miguel said and Kyler threw a punch at Miguel's face but he blocked it by grabbing his arm. 

"It's Cobra Kai" Miguel punched Kyler in the face and Eva smirked at her bestfriend. 

Kyler then tackled Miguel and slammed him into the table. He started choking Miguel and Eva got nervous. Everyone started filming and making noises. But Miguel easily got out of the choke hold and kicked Kyler so that he slammed against a table and fell on the floor hard. 

"NO MERCY!" Aisha was cheering for Miguel exitedly. 

Suddenly Brucks tried to punch Miguel in the face put he bowed and spinned his leg causing the chubby boy to fall down on the ground. Another boy ran toward Miguel from the back and Eva ran towards the boy. She kicked the boy in the nuts and punched his face so he fell on the ground. 

"Thanks" Miguel smirked at Eva while he was out of breathe.

"Miguel watch out!" Eva told Miguel as she saw a boy running towards him. Miguel kicked him in the stomach casuing him to fall down on the ground. 

Miguel ran over to the table and grabbed an empty lunch tray. Eva saw too many boys running towards him. She was about to help him when someone choked her from behind.

"You think your strong you little bitch?" A voice said in her ear. She recognized the voice and immediately knew that it was Brucks. Eva used the same trick on Brucks as she did at the party with Kyler. She bumped her backhead into his face and stepped him on the foot with her heel. He let go of her and she turned around. Now they were face to face. She glared at him and got flashbacks from the party. Miguel's bloody face apeared in her head like an image. She got pissed and kicked Brucks in the nuts causing him to fall down on the ground. She sat on him and started punching him in the face with no mercy. Everyone was staring at her. 

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR TOUCHING HIM" Eva got up and kicked him 5 times in the ribs aggressively. Everybody started clapping at Eva and Miguel. She looked up caught Sam staring at her with wide eyes. She turned around and saw Miguel on the table with a tray in his hand. They made eyecontact and smiled at eachother. Suddenly a teacher interrupted.

"HEY GET DOWN FROM THERE!" She yelled at Miguel and grabbed his hand. She was taking him to the principal's office. Eva turned around and Sam was walking towards her.

"Hey, uhm thanks for standing up for me...and sorry for everything." Eva smiled at Sam.

"Hey it's okay. Besides you could've beaten their asses yourself but you didn't" Eva said causing both of the girls to giggle.

Eva's dad was Daniel Larusso's really good friend. Everytime Eva's dad was at work, she would stay at Sam's and learn karate from Daniel. Sam and Eva learned karate together. They were like sisters. Eva missed her old friend...


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