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(That's Eva's outfit for the party on the top!!!) :D

They were now at the store, getting things for the party that they were throwing later. Eva grabbed a few potato chips.

"All right, be sure to stock up good. Im inviting everyone. "Vip only" My ass" Aisha said while handing Bert some things. He couldn't even hold them with his tiny hands. Eva smiled at Aisha. She had gained so much confidence.

"I still don't understand how we're gonna buy alcohol" Demetri whispered to Aisha. Suddenly Hawk walked past them. 

"Oh please, never underestimate the power...of the Hawk." He said confidently while grabbing a few beers. Eva smirked at the confident boy. It was atractive. 

Hawk walked up to the cashier and winked to Eva, causing her to blush.

"Sup?, Oh did you see the game last night? See puig with the walk-off." Hawk told the cashier. Eva tried so hard not to laugh. She knew it wasn't going to work.

"No, man, but i heard he flipped the bat to the moon" The cashier said with absolutely no expression on his face. Eva couldn't hold her laugh, so she lowered her head with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, I was at the bar last night with my buddies from work. Whole place went wild." Eva looked up at Hawk's back with a raised eyebrow. Demetri rolled eyes at Hawk.

"I wanted to go, but my girlfriend dragged me to some lame-ass play." The cashier told Hawk.

"Bitches will be bitches" Hawk said and Eva was surprised. She started liking Hawk. 

"Yeah" The cashier again answered Hawk with no expression.

"So, how much is it gonna cost?" Hawk got to the point and Eva already knew that it wasn't going to work.

"Gotta check your ID first" The cashier said and Eva buried her hand on her head. 

"I'm flattered" Hawk was fake laughing. Demetri and Bert nervously grabbed some old magazines and started looking at them. They were pretending that nothing was going on. Eva and Aisha looked at eachother with disgust.

"Do you really think I'm underage? That's my frickin kid right there" He pointed at Bert and all eyes were on him. Bert nervously looked around. Hawk got eyecontact with Eva and winked at her. She looked at him with confusion, but apperently he had it under control.

"Yeah, I still need to see it" The cashier spoke and Hawk looked back at him. It's required by law." Eva sighed. 

"Oh yeah, for sure. Just upholding the law. It's all good" Hawk said back to the cashier while pulling out something from his backpocket. Eva's jaw dropped as he handed the cashier a fake ID card. She was impressed.

The cashier looked at the card and then back at Hawk. 

"Whatever" The cashier said and turned around to look for something. Hawk quickly looked back and smirked at everyone. Eva smiled at the boy in the mohawk and he smiled back at her.

"Uh...about eight bottles of that vodka right there" Hawk said confidently as the cashier turned to look at him.

As they were heading to the door, Eva felt a grib around her waist. She looked at her right, and it was Hawk. He smirked and kissed her on the cheek.

"Wow, I'm impressed. I didn't expect all that" Eva told the confident boy.

"Like i said before. Never underestimate the power of the Hawk" He said and Eva giggled. When they were outisde, Eva noticed Miguel on his phone. She let go of Hawk and walked towards the worried tall boy.

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