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Later that day Eva was sitting at a resturant eating ice cream. A million thoughts were running through her head right now. She used to come here with her dad everytime she had a bad day. She saw a dad with his son. They were eating together and having fun. Suddenly a weird feeling in her body appeared. Her lungs felt like they were burning. And that was when a few tears ran down her cheeks. She tried to hide her face by looking down at her ice cream so that people wouldn't think weird stuff about her. 

Suddenly Johnny came and sat on the chair in front of her. She looked up at him and wiped her tears trying to look like nothing was wrong. 

"Hey what are you doing here?"  Eva asked him with a tight smile on her face.

"What do you do in a resturant?" Johnny said sarcasticly with a smile causing Eva to giggle quietly. 

"Look sensei, what happend to Miguel was wrong okay. And i totally agree with Ms.Diaz since Miguel is her only son. She's just worried about her son getting hurt again. But i just think that you shouldn't give up on him. He needs you right now." Eva tried to convince him. 

"You know what? Your right. Come with me" Eva looked at him with a surprised face. She didn't expect him to listen to her.


They were standing in front of Miguel's apartment and Johnny knocked on the door nevously. Ms.Diaz opened the door and smiled at Eva. It looked like she had expected the to come. 

"Please dont close the door. Look, i know i wasn't there for when it mattered. I let him down and i guess i let you down too. And i know that there is no do-overs. But these two kids, they're the only ones who haven't given up on me. And i dont wanna give up on them. I know i messed up big times, but if you let him come back...i wont fail him again. I promise. Please just think about it".

 Eva was speachless and so was Ms.Diaz. She looked Johnny in the eyes and she could see how much he wanted this. Without saying a word she softly closed the door. 

Johnny walked towards his car with Eva following him. "Were going to the dojo. I'm opening up Cobra Kai again" He said not giving her a chance to speak. 

She was nervous and exitet at the same time. Eva had a feeling that Ms.Diaz agreed to what Johnny said to her. 


Johnny was in his office while Eva was punching in the air. She was training even though Johnny offered her to sit down plenty of times. The thought of Miguel not coming back kept confusing her. 

She couldn't focus untill she heard the door open. Eva looked up with disbelief. It was Miguel. He looked like the happiest boy in the world. Suddenly Johnny walked out of the office and stood right next to Eva.

"My mom says i can train again" Miguel said causing Eva to smile at him.

"She did?" Johnny didn't believe him.

"Yeah. I mean if he still have the dojo?" Miguel looked at Eva and smiled causing her to blush.

"We do for now. Alright but i need to know are you ready to take things to the next level?" Johnny asked Miguel with a smirk. 

Miguel nodded "Yes sensei". Eva couldn't feel more happy. 

Johnny told Eva and Miguel to stand next to eachother. He started walking around them in a circle. "You got your ass kicked because you didn't have any defence. So i'm gonna teach you the best defence that you can know. And the best defence...is more offence" 

Johnny was about to punch Miguel in the face but surprisely he didn't flinch. Instead Miguel smirked. His confidence was attractive and Eva couldn't take her eyes off him. He came her some sort butterflies. He was ready to take things to the next level.



After the hardest training ever Eva was almost dead. There wasn't more energi left in her body. She was laying on the mat with her eyes closed. It always made her feel good to lay there. When suddenly a voice said. 

"Already tired?" She opened her eyes and saw Miguel looking at her with a smile. She giggled. "Oh so you think youre better?" Eva asked him playfully in the same position. Miguel smirked.

"Well i really-" Eva immediately spinned her leg while laying down causing him to almost fall on her. She flinched but Miguel's hands were on the mats. He was in a push up position with Eva laying under him. Both them were staring into eachothers eyes. Eva was looking into is brown diamond eyes. 

"Uhm..." Eva broke the silence and Miguel moved away from her immediately. That was the most akward thing that have ever happend.

 "Oh Yeah sorry" Miguel and Eva got up at the same time. She was fixing her hair when suddenly her phone started ringing. She grabbed her phone and saw a picture of Demetri. Eva rolled her eyes at his picture and picked up the phone.

"What?" She asked him rudely. "Woah Woah calm down diva. Mom and dad want's to know where you are". Eva was confused. They never ask her about that. "I'm at the dojo with Miguel" Eva said and hung up. 

"What happend?" Eva looked up at Miguel's worried face causing her to giggle. "Nothing it was just Demetri". She started putting her things into her bag. Miguel was staring at her. 

"What?" Eva asked the nervous boy. He was being weird. "Nothing i just...wanted to say thank you for what you did at the party for me. If it wasn't for you i would've probbably at the hospital or something right now". 

Eva smiled at the tall brownhaired boy. "Hey dont thank me. That's what friends do right?" She smiled and pulled him in for a hug. He was tall so she had to stand on her tippy toes. 

They were both smiling at eachother and walked out of the dojo together. 


What do you think will happend next?

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