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"You've trained hard! You've gotten stronger....tougher....faster. You've done your best. Your ready for this tournament, am i right?" Johnny was standing on an old truck while lecturing his students.

"Yes, sensei!" Everybody yelled confidently. Hawk was standing right next to Eva while holding her hand softly. 

"WRONG!" Johnny yelled back at them and threw the his beer on the ground aggressively. Eva flinched at squeezed Hawk's hand tightly, causing him to groan quietly. She quickly looked at him with a worried look.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to..." She pulled his hand closer to her eyes and looked if anything happend to him. While she was scanning his hand for any injuries, Hawk just looked at overprotective brunette with a smirk.

"Babe, I'm fine" She looked him in the eyes, and suddenly they got interrupted by Johnny again. Eva let go of his hand and focused on Johnny. Hawk put his hands behind his back confidently and focused on what Johnny said as well.

"Your best aint shit! If you wanna win the All Valley under-18 Karate Turnament, you gotta give me better than your best! Which is why from now on, your gonna get my worst. Do you understand?" Johnny was kept walking right and left on that old bus. 

"Yes, sensei!" Everybody yelled confidently. They had never been that serious before. 

"Are you losers?" Johnny yelled at his students.

"No, sensei!" They yelled back.

"Are you nerds?!" Johnny yelled again.

"No, sensei!" The students yelled back at him again.

"Are you sure?" He yelled at them.

"No, sensei!" The students yelled back. Johnny buried his hands on his head. Eva was giggling quietly causing Miguel and Hawk to smile at her.


When the training was done, everybody were really tired. The training was really hard. Eva was out of breath and she was sweating a lot. Everybody were leaving and Eva walked towards her bag that was on a old car. Suddenly she felt a grib around her waist. Eva looked at the black car's reflection, and saw Hawk standing right behind her with a smile. 

"Babe, I'm sweating my ass off, you know that right?" Eva smiled and slowly pulled his hands away from her waist. She turned around and looked him in the eyes. Her heart started beating faster as she saw the boy with the mohawk. He was...special.

"I dont care if your sweating" He grabbed her waist again, causing her to giggle quietly. He slowly walked closer to her with his hands on her waist. Eva was slowly walking backwads, and that was when she reached to the black car behind her. Hawk smirked at the shy brunette. His eyes were on her lips all the time. 

"Babe, I-" Hawk leaned towards the brunette and softly kissed her on the lips. Eva could feel the butterflies in her stomach. Eva's hands were on his chest. The kiss was passionate and Eva's heartbeat went faster. And that was when her phone started ringing. They quickly let go of eachother and Eva grabbed her phone from her pocket. She looked confused as she saw Sam's picture on her phone. 

"Who is it?" Hawk asked the brunette.

"Oh it's just an old friend." Eva had missed Sam. They used to hang out all the time. They were best friends...

"Hey Sam" Eva picked up the phone with a smile. Hawk looked at her with confusion. How did Eva know Miguel's girlfriend?...

"Hey Eva. Were having a family dinner...and i really want you to come. It's been forever since we hung out together. Plus, dad would love to see you." Eva giggled quietly.

"Yeah, your right. Its been forever. I would love to come" Eva told Sam with a smile on her face.

"Great! I cant wait to see you" Sam said excitedly and hung up. Hawk was still standing there with a confused look.

"You okay?" Eva asked the boy with the mohawk.

"Yeah, I'll give you a ride home" Hawk smiled at her causing her to blush. She quickly kissed him and they both walked towards the car. 


Eva was sitting next to Sam at the family dinner. The focus was on Johnny Lawrence and Cobra Kai. Eva knew from the start that Daniel hated Cobra Kai, ever since what happend to him. 

"You know, it's bad enough that this monster is teaching kids. Now he's somehow convinced the All Valley board, to let cobra kai back in the tournament." You could tell that Daniel hated Johnny. Eva's blood was boiling. She couldn't just sit there and hear them talking crap about cobra kai. 

"Oh, that's horrible. They cant let them back. Oh, they're nothing but a bunch of bullies." Daniel's mom spoke. 

"But...they cant all be bullies, right?" Eva spoke causing everyone to look at her. Sam smiled at her and she agreed.

"Trust me sweetheart, you dont know the half of it. Those cobra jerks, made my little boy's life miserable. Tell them, how they pushed you down the hill." Daniel's mom pointed at him. 

"Well, they've already heard it, ma." Daniel said and suddenly Anthony interrupted.

"I thought it was a cliff" Daniel looked back at the boy without talking to him.

"You want pasta salad?" Amanda interupted. Sam was akwardly smiling at Eva and she smiled back at her.

"Oh, no, thank you. I-I-I dont like that prepackaged stuff from the store. It's..." Daniel's mom shuddered with disgust.

"Oh, well, I would've made some but i got home late from the dealership" Amanda said and took a seat while smiling at Eva.

"Oh, no, that's OK. I get it. It's tough being a working mom. But atleast you have a partner. Remember how i used to come home from work, and then started cooking from scratch?" Daniel's mom interrupted. 

"Yeah, ma" Daniel sighed while taking a seat beside Amanda. He smiled at Eva, who smiled back at him. Suddenly Louice interrupted.

"You know, that son of a bitch has a lot of nerve entering the tournment. Especially after everything he's to you...and you fixed his car for free. I dont know man, i say we get the car back. You know i could find out where he lives" He told Daniel, and suddenly Sam interrupted.

"Dad, what if cobra kai has changed? I mean, there's some kids from our school who are in it, and that doesn't automatically make them bad, right?" Eva smiled at Sam and agreed.

"Please, cobra kai will never change. Promise me you two will stay away from the kids who are associated with it. All right?" Daniel told the girls. Eva didn't say anything and neither did Sam. They both lowered their looks. Eva felt guilty for not telling them. Afterall her sensei, was Daniel's biggest enemy.


"So how are you and Miguel doing?" Eva and Sam were laying outside the pool with their eyes closed. They were just chilling there after Daniel's mom and Amanda had the biggest fight. Eva had borrowed one of smantha's bikinies. 

"He's literally perfect." Sam said causing Eva to feel a little jealous. And that was when she heard a noise. Both of the girls opened their eyes and saw a boy standing there. 

"Oh, hey" Sam got up and started talking to the boy. Eva squinted her eyes and that was when she recognized that boy. It was him...again. What was he doing here.

"Uhm...i should probbably get home now" Eva looked down and tried to hide her face. Sam looked confused at Eva. Before Sam could say anything, Eva was already gone...


sorry for taking so longgggggg. I missed u guys<3

dont forget to vote my loves :D

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