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A light sparkled into Eva's eyes causing her to slowly open her eyes. Her head was hurting and she could barely remember anything about last night. 

"Get up, you have a tournament to get to" Demetri was standing next to the curtains and Eva put the blanket on her head.

"Just five more minutes" Demetri rolled eyes and removed the blanket off Eva. He threw is away. 

"Everyone is waiting for you" Eva quickly sat on the bed with shock. She looked at Demetri with confusion.

"What do you mean?" Demetri buried his hand on his head. 

"I mean, your late" Demetri said and Eva quickly jumped out of the bed causing him to flinch.

"Oh shit. No, no, no" She ran towards the bathroom to get ready. Demetri quietly giggled at Eva.


Demetri and Eva were sitting in the car and Eva was nervous. She was biting her nails and Demetri tried to hold back his laugh.

"What?" Eva noticed Demetri, who was acting weird.

"I was kidding. Your just in time" He said and Eva punched his shoulder.

"Oww" Eva squinted her eyes and glared at him.

"Seriously It's not funny, Demetri" Eva crossed her arms and rolled eyes at Demetri who couldn't stop laughing. At the same time she felt a relief. 


Both of them got out of the car as they arrived. Eva looked around as saw a lot of kids in their gi's. She could barely see a girl. There was just boys everywhere. Eva was feeling nervous and she had butterflies in her stomach.

"Right there" Demetri pointed at Miguel and the others. Eva smiled as she saw Miguel. She walked towards her team and everyone looked at her. Her smile faded away as she noticed Hawk standing next Aisha. Eva suddenly remembered everything that happend last night

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Miguel asked Eva with a smile, while he was punching the air. Hawk wanted to talk to Eva, but he didn't wanna do it in public. 

"A little nervous, how about you guys?" Eva looked at the team and noticed that Johnny wasn't there.

"Wait, where's sensei?" Eva looked around with confusion. Miguel kept punching the air harder. His smile was gone and he looked very serious. It was because of Sam.

"He'll be here" Aisha smiled at Eva and suddenly Bert interrupted.

"I dont know about that" He said disappointedly and Eva's heart stopped beating. If Johnny didn't show up, they couldn't make it.

"W-What do you mean?" Everyone looked at Eva who was panicking.

"I saw last night at the mini-mall. I was buying...a carton of milk. When i heard him in the parking lot, yelling......" Bert explained everything that was going on last night.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Aisha asked Bert and he lowered his look.

"I dont know. I guess I'm used to seeing him drunk, it didn't seem like that big of a deal." Bert tried to defend himself.

"Well, we're here and he's not. So it's officially a big deal. What if something happend to him?" Hawk spit at Bert. 

"Like what?" Bert looked up at Hawk.

"I dont know, like he drove his car off a cliff, or bought a gun and blew his brain out" Hawk looked pissed. Eva sighed. She had been so excited for this day, and now Johnny is missing, great.

"No, sensei would never kill himself. That's too pussy a move" Aisha commented and Eva agreed.

"Whatever. I mean we're here. We're gonna have to do it without him." Hawk said and Eva looked at him with disbelief.

"Uh, no we're not" Hawk looked up at Eva and suddenly Johnny interrupted.

"Do what without me?" Johnny walked up and everyone looked at him. Eva felt reliefed.

"Sensei" She smiled at Johnny.

"We didn't think you were gonna show up." Hawk looked at Johnny. Eva looked back at Miguel with exitement and they both smiled at eachother.

"I may not always win, but i never back out of a fight." Johnny said causing Eva to smirk.

"Let's sign up" Miguel said causing Johnny look at him.

"Not yet. Theres one more lesson i have to teach you" Johnny looked at everyone.

Johnny took the cobras inside and they were now standing in a circle with Johnny in the middle. Eva stood beside Miguel nervously. She had never been that nervous before. 

Miguel's eye caught the nervous girl beside her. He grabbed her hand softly and smiled at her. Just as his hand touched hers, she felt more calm and smiled back at Miguel. 

When Hawk saw them holding hands, he bit his teeth and lowered his look. Suddenly Johnny spoke.

"You've all learned to strike first, to be aggressive, not be losers. I taught you to strike hard, put every ounce of your power behind everything you do." He started walking around in the circle while looking his students in the eyes.

"But i haven't taught the third rule of cobra kai." He lowered his look for a second, and looked up at them again.

"No mercy" Johnny confidently said, and Eva felt stronger all of sudden. A smiled apeared on her face. 

"The older you get, the more you're gonna learn, that life isn't fair." When Johnny said that sentence, Hawk and Eva made eyecontact. Hawk gave her a sorry look and Eva suddenly felt bad for him. But just as she remembered the party she broke the eyecontact and lowered her look.

"You wake up one morning feeling great. And then life throws a spinning heel kick to you balls. Takes a big steaming shit in your mouth. You get an "F" on a test, you get suspended." Johnny continued walking in circles.

"You fall in love with a girl, and some other dude comes and steals her away." Hawk and Eva looked at eachother. He then exhaled loudly while looking at Miguel.

Miguel looked even more mad, and he squeezed her hand, without noticing that he's hurting her. Eva didn't say anything, so instead she lowered her look while biting her lip.

"Car gets on fire. Just when you think things are going good, everything falls apart." Johnny spoke again, and Miguel stopped squeezing her hand. She exhaled loudly while opening her eyes. 

"That's how it goes. Life shows no mercy, so neither do we. We do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water. We do whatever it takes to keep moving forward. We do whatever it takes to win!" Johnny yelled at his students. It boosted their confidence. Eva was more than ready to kick ass. She wanted to get all her anger out.

"Remember who you are. You're badass! You dont give a shit! You kick ass! You're cobra kai." Johnny finished and suddenly Miguel yelled.

"Cobra kai!" He looked aggressive as Eva looked up at him. She smiled at the confident boy.

"Yeah!" Everybody yelled confidently. 

"All right, guys. Let's go down there and kick the shit out of everybody!" Johnny smiled at his students.

"Yeah!" They yelled and grabbed their bags to take out their gi's. Miguel was the first to take out his gi from the bag.

"No." Johnny looked at Miguel, and Eva was confused.

"You're not wearing those." Johnny showed everyone their new gi's and Eva's jaw dropped as she saw them. They were badass.


Drama is on the wayyyyyyy :D

Dont forget to vote. Love yall <3

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