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"So what happened yesterday?" Demetri and Eva were sitting at the breakfast table. Eva couldn't get Miguel's bloody face out of her head. "Nothing," She answered him with a  sigh and stared down at the food on her plate. "Is Miguel alright?" Demetri kept asking her questions, and it started to piss her off. "I don't know, okay!" She pushed her plate and rushed upstairs to her room. Eva locked the door and tried to hold back her tears. She has felt guilty since yesterday. It was all her fault. And the nightmare of yesterday kept haunting her.

Suddenly her alarm rang and she flinched. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest. She got sucked into reality again. Eva sighed and got ready for school.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

As Eva entered the school she saw everyone making fun of Aisha. They were making pig noises and annoyed her on purpose which made Eva's blood boil. Aisha was walking downstairs and Eva joined her.

"Hey" Aisha looked up at her. She didn't expect Eva to show up out of nowhere. "Hey" She answered Eva and looked down at her feet again. People were calling her names and Eva kept glaring at them. "Hey don't listen to those freaks. They just want attention. Don't give them your attention". Eva smiled at Aisha. "Thanks, I didn't really expected anyone to be friends with me after that stupid video".

Aisha's smile suddenly faded away as she saw Sam walking towards them. Eva was glaring at Sam with her arms crossed. Aisha opened her locker aggressively, and tried obviously to avoid Sam.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Sam looked at Aisha with an apologetic look. "I've gone viral. How do you think i am?" Aisha answered her with anger. "Look, they're mean but they have short memories. They'll forget." Sam looked at Aisha nervously, and hoped for them to become friends again. But it wasn't that easy. "Well, I'm not gonna forget '' Aisha slammed her locker and walked away, making Sam flinch.

"Eva look i didn't mean to- '' Sam looked at Eva with a sad face. "Sam you're so much better than this. And you know that'' Eva gave her a disappointed look and walked away towards her classroom. Sam really was better. But she chose the wrong people.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"So that's it? No more karate?". Eva was sitting at the library with the three boys and there was an awkwards silence in the air. She saw Miguel's bruised face and kept thinking about the fight. She was sitting next to Eli. Miguel answered Demetri while his eyes were glued on to his homework. "I guess so". He looked disappointed, you could tell.

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence." Eva looked up at Demetri with disbelief. She cut Demetri off. "And I'm pretty sure that's a good thing. '' She rolled eyes at Demetri, causing the boys to look up at her.

"No? What has confidence ever gotten anybody, except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash? '' Demetri said with a disappointed expression.

"Well I thought i-it was kinda cool...how you stood up to Kyler" Eli spoke up nervously, which was surprising. Eva smiled at him, knowing that at least he supports them. Demetri interrupted, almost yelling at them. "Are you insane? Let me ask you, what is the best superpower anyone could have?" He asked them.

"Super Strength". Miguel and Eva said at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. Demetri cut them off again. "Wrong, invisibility. A distant second would be superspeed, to run away fast.

And that was when a voice said "Run away from who?" Eli and Eva turned around and saw Kyler with Brucks. They were standing right behind Eli's chair. Eva couldn't believe that those assholes actually had the nerve to show up after getting their assses kicked. Her blood started to boil as she saw Kyler's hand on Eli's shoulder. Miguel sighed loudly. He gave up. Kyler and Brucks were glaring at the girl sitting next to the shy boy.

The boys quickly took their stuff and got up. Eva looked up at them confused. But when she saw Kyler's hand on Eli's face, she immediately stood up and her hand turned into a fist. "Look at this freak, oh shit, what kinda girl would ever kiss this shit?" Kyler said while Brucks was laughing.

"Leave him alone Kyler '' Miguel interrupted. Eva looked at him with surprise. She didn't expect him to stand up for Eli after what happened to him. And that was when Kyler let go of Eli and pushed him into Eva. He walked towards Miguel with anger. "What did you say? You haven't had enough Rhea?" Kyler pushed Miguel aggressively.

"Oh i could ask you the exact same question dickface!" Eva walked up to Kyler and stood between Miguel and him. Kyler was way taller than her. She looked him in the eyes with anger. You could tell that she wasnøt afraid. Kyler started laughing and looked back at his friend Brucks, who started laughing too. "What are you gonna do, you little bitch? Huh?" Kyler asked her and walked closer to her. "Oh yeah? Try me!" Eva wouldn't stop glaring at him. She was more than ready to punch him in the face, until she felt a soft grip on her hand. Miguel was holding her hand from behind. "Eva let's just go" Miguel whispered and pulled her hand. She denied taking her eyes off that bastard.

Eva sighed and rolled her eyes. She finally walked out of the library aggressively and pushed Miguel's hand away from hers. But he didn't give up. Instead he followed her, and Eli ran after the two of them.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Eva headed out of school. The thing she wished to unsee the most right now, was Kyler's ugly face. She put on her headphones and turned on loud music, to help her control her anger. And just in that moment, she noticed Miguel's mother sitting in her car waiting for him. She has had enough of her best friend getting bullied all the time.

Eva took a deep breath before walking up to Ms. Diaz's car. When she arrived she knocked on the window. She was angry and disappointed. Ms.Diaz looked at Eva with confusion and rolled down her window. She gave Eva a questioning face "Yes?" Eva cut her off the women immediately while taking off her headphones aggressively.

"Your son gets bullied by those assholes every single day! He just gives up and lets them bully him. He's weak, but karate makes him stronger. And I'm not just gonna stand there and watch my best friend get his ass kicked all the damn time. Miguel has talent. I believe in him and so does sensei. We won't give up on him. If he gets back to karate, no one will ever bully your son. They will fear him. And you're his mother, I'm sure you want the best for your son. And karate is the best for Miguel. Think about it. Have a nice day Ms.Diaz".

Ms.Diaz was staring at her and she was speechless. "Just think about it okay?" Eva said and walked away with a sigh. Because of that fight at the party, Johnny closed the dojo. And Eva couldn't do karate anymore. They needed Miguel on the team.


Love u <33


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