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Then longer that Eva and Miguel went to the dojo she noticed that he has gotten so much better. He even started beating her in karate which was very unexpected. He started taking karate very serious. Miguel was one of those boys who wont give up easily. Eva was proud of her best friend.


Miguel and Eva were at the dojo. Eva was punching the punching pads that were on Johnny's hands. She was out of breathe.

"Alright looking good Ms.Perry. Miguel your next!" Johnny said.

Eva sat on the bench beside Miguel. She took a sip of her water and caught Miguel smiling at her. 

"Already tired?" He asked her with a smirk

Eva rolled her eyes playfully "Oh like you could do any better".

Miguel walked up to Johnny and started punching the pads aggressively. Eva was surprised.

"What the hell?" Johnny said while looking at the door. Eva was surprised after seeing Aisha walking inside the door. 

"No yoga till five! No matter how bad you need it". Eva looked up at Johnny with disbelief.

"Im actually here for karate. I saw your website, it said there was supposed to be a session today". Eva smiled at Aisha and she smiled back.

"I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." Johnny told her. Eva and Miguel looked at eachother. They were confused.

"Why not?" Aisha asked him soflty.

"Same reason there aren't women in the army. Doesn't make sence." Eva was glaring at her rude sensei. If there was no girl allowed in cobra kai then why did he wanted her to join in the first place?

"Uhh sensei I-I need to show you something in the office" Miguel sighed and walked towards the office with Johnny following him. That was the best opportunity for Eva to talk to Aisha.

"Hey, im glad you decided to join cobra kai" Eva looked at Aisha and smiled.

"Thanks, but i dont think they'll accept me here" Aisha looked down at her feet. 

"Of course they will. Look, sensei is not like that. Well he's rude sometimes but im sure he's more than that. I know that he'll accept you. I promise". Eva said causing Aisha to look up and smile at her. She smiled back.

"Okay take off your shoes and hop on the mat". Johnny and Miguel walked out of the office. 

Aisha quietly took off her shoes and stood in front of Johnny. Eva caught Miguel smiling at her and she smiled back.

"Okay after furthur of you i've decided to allow female students. But if you wanna be in cobra kai you cant act like a girl." Eva gave Miguel the what the hell is he talking about look.

"What do you mean? How do girls act?" Aisha asked Johnny confused.

"Oh dont give me that, you know all emotional, loud, complaining, never letting you finish the sentence". Eva couldn't believe him.

"Well i know a few guys who act jus-" Aisha flinched as Johnny shouted. 

"QUIET!" He started walking right and left.

"My student tells me you've been harrased at school". Eva looked at Miguel and smiled. 

"Yeah, mostly online uhh i get mean texts and emails sent to me. Makes me not wanna go". Eva's heart broke after hearing that. Aisha never told her about that. 

"And who sent you these messeges?" Johnny kept walking left and right.

"Well they're mostly anonymus. These kids create fake accounts and they tell me things like, I'm ugly and that i should kill myself." Johnny stopped immediately.

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