The walk home

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I awoke on the cold hard pavement.

"Ow god everything hurts"

I picked myself off the ground just barely able to move. It was dark and cold out so I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket. It was 8:00pm.

"God I gotta get home"

So I started sprinting home leaving my backpack in the alley way.

No way in hell I'm going back there!

Dang I'm gonna need some more makeup to cover all these bruises.

As I was running home I got tired and started to walk,taking in my surroundings.

It was quiet. No one was on the street ,no car or anything passed by.

I'm not usually a paranoid person but this was starting to freak me out.I pulled out my phone in attempt to make a call to my mom,beep ~beep


God dammit!

She did not pick up ...

Typical whenever I need my mom the most she disappears off the face of the earth...I'm not even kidding. Sometimes she's not back for months,and when I try to question where she goes she gets all frantic and never answers .

I heard a car rolling down the street.I limped to the middle of the road,dumb idea but it will get their attention,anyways they have headlights.

As I made my way to the middle of the street I started waving my body all over the place trying not to hurt myself more than I already was. The car came to a stop I ran to the drivers side to see......


Oh hell no,I've had enough beatings for one day. I tried to start running but Niall stopped me.

"Stop I'm not gonna hurt you"he said as calmly as possible.

I just stared at him unable to think because thinking about him or any if those boys made me sick to my stomach.

"Come here,you are badly hurt"

"Well no shit Sherlock!" I spat

"This is your fault " I yelled breaking down in tears.

He ran over to me and put me in his car .

I didn't object I was to weak. I hadn't anything to eat since lunch,and my body screamed with pain.

As we approached my house I randomly just opened my car door and rolled out while it was moving.

"What the hell!" Niall yelled in confusion as he stopped the car.

I got up and ran with whatever strength I had left,Niall was chasing me.

"Scarlett come back now,please!

"God you are so Damn stubborn!" He yelled

I reached my house, ran in and slammed the door and locked it. I was so tired and weak that I passed out right at the door.

Nialls POV

God she locked the door. I have to make sure she's ok we really hurt her today.She may be a strong girl now but I don't know how much more of this she can take.

I pulled out a paper clip picking the lock.

Once I was in I saw her fragile body sprawled across the floor. I quickly picked her up and took her to her room. I laid her on the bed and went to search for night clothes for her. I found a plain red tee shirt and some yoga shorts. I quickly undressed her trying not to look when I saw the huge bruises all over her tan skin. I couldn't believe we had done that,it looks like she was attacked by a bear. There was a huge blue and purple bruise forming on her jaw were Harry had hit her. I couldn't stand to watch this anymore. I pushed the hair out of her face,covered her up I couldn't help feeling a longing feeling to be with her and protect but that could never happen.I then left with tears burning in my eyes.

All on my own (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now