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Little authors note-I would like to thank ainsbulldog....thank you for your support!!😃 anyways let's get back to the story!

Harry's POV
Scarlett's been gone for hours. I'm heading to her house right now , I don't trust anyone with her. I have to tell her something, that will make her happy.

Scarlett's POV
I woke up in my living room ,tied to a chair..

I started trying to get the ropes off they were sooo tight, I was probably gonna receive bruises from the rope.
I finally slipped out of it. I then sprinted to the front door. As soon as I opened it there stood Zayn. He looked somewhat upset. I then slammed the door but Zayns foot caught it. I turned around and ran up the stairs, he chased after me and caught my leg.

"Oh my god please stop!!! What do you want, I yelled kicking backwards at him."

"Scarlett I'm so sorry, he said pulling harder on my leg."

Then Tyler came in, with a knife.

"Oh this is gonna be fun, tyler said running up the stairs."

" No way get the fuck away"I screamed kicking Zayn , then stumbled down the steps."

"GET HER YOU IMBECILE." Screamed Tyler.

I ran as fast as I could through the Living room,but was soon tackled by Zayn.

"GET OFF" I grunted out as I clawed at the ground,trying to get away.
He then flipped me over. Tyler ran over with the dagger.
Zayn pinned me down and ripped off my shirt.

"No please!!!! I cried."

"SHUT THE HELL UP"screamed Tyler."

Zayn had my legs and arms securely on the ground.

"No no no ! I cried out."

He threw back the hand with the knife in it.this is it....this is how I'm gonna die..
No more Harry......
Or Taylor or Haley
My baby...
My father...

Tyler than came down with the knife stabbing my abdomen.

"Ahahaaahahhhhaaa my BABY! MY BABY, NO! I screamed watching the blood leave my stomach.
Things got blurry in a hurry. I could barely make out Zayns face.

"Why? I whispered out,speaking to Zayn.

He just mouthed " I'm sorry." My skin was so cold,my body weak and empty." Tyler kept going......until Zayn started yelling, I couldn't quite make out what they were saying,..I took one last look only seeing Harry.. ...

Zayns POV

"THAT'S ENOUGH, SHE'S HAD ENOUGH." I yelled pushing him back

"You don't know that Zayn!"

"Well if the baby's not dead yet it sure as hell will be, since she will die! I yelled.

" Hey think about it like this, it's a two for one deal." Tyler said anxiously."

Tyler then ran out really quickly. I didn't know what to do. I glanced from Scarlett's lifeless body to the front door. I ran my fingers through my hair,pulling it in frustration. Quickly I made my way outside,calling Harry.

"Harry? I asked,my voice cracking."

"Zayn where are you? What have you done? Is Scarlett with you?!" He asked yelling in a panic.

"She is......and she's dying..hurry." I said. Then I hung up before Harry could say another word. How did he know? I ran out of the house... I'm gonna get out of town for awhile...

Harry's POV
I stepped on the gas,going as fast as the car could go. I then Called an ambulance to her house. It's gonna be ok I thought to myself. When I reached her house I slammed on the brakes and ran in.

"SCARLETT.?" I yelled

I ran all over. I finally found her
I cowered back,my knees went weak. I just about stopped breathing. Her stomach was stabbed all over. Her body so pale and still.

I ran to her, wrapping up her stomach, applying pressure to stop to much bleeding.

"Scarlett it's ok I've got you." I cooed.

"It's gonna be alright, I promise." Tears were now falling down my face.

Then the paramedics showed up. They all flooded in shouting a bunch of medical terms.

"Get her on a stretcher." one yelled

"Step back sir." Yelled the paramedic

I stepped back. They put her in the ambulance...... I rode with her,holding her small hands in mine.

"Scarlett?... I croaked out
"I found the papers that say who your father is....I didn't read it, I thought you might want to be the first one to know. I clutched the papers tightly bringing them out slowly and setting them on her chest.

Then all of a sudden..


Her heart monitor machine blinked rapidly but then went dead... The paramedics swarmed her getting out every single tool to revive her....

I just sat there and cried ,pulling at my hair.

Cliffhanger...? I guess
Woa that's a lot if drama ...I actually got a little emotional writing this chapter ..and I'm sorry if it's not as long as any of you want it to be. Anyways
VOTE -VOTE-VOTE! We are doing awesome! Also follow me and comment . Love you all and goodnight!

Thank you's to :
For supporting me ,voting and guys rock and I enjoy your company on this wild adventure.


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