Back again...or maby not

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Scarlett's POV
I will never speak to Zayn.....ever again. I don't even know why I'm going back,high school so far has been the lowest part of my life.
I got ready for school.

I wore a red tank top,black leggings and vans. I then slipped on my gray hoodie and headed out the door.
When I arrived at school everyone starred at me as if I was an Aileen from anther planet once again....

I just walked straight in not really caring about the looks I was reviving from other people.

Haley ran up to me.
"Are you ok,where have you been!"

"We have been worried sick and rose is still missing" yelled Taylor

"I'm fine"I said sprinting away

As I was running I then ran into Bridget.

"Oh hey Scarlett so your a whore now I hear" she said smirking

"What do you mean"....I asked confused.

"Well everyone knows you slept with Zayn."she said

Oh no she didn't...... That drew the line.

"I DID NOT "SLEEP" with Zayn Bridget,you delusional skank faced BITCH!" I screamed.

"Excuse me but I cant hear you over that dick breath of yours." She said getting closer to me.

"I'm done talking" I threw down my books and jacket and punched her in the face.

"Ow what the fuck"she said holding her jaw.

Everyone gathered around to watch.

I then kicked her in the stomach sending her flying at the lockers.

"Have anything else to say Bridget?!"

"Get away"she said holding her stomach.

"I will not "get away" because you've never given me a break! All you do is tear me down...SO I WILL NOT! I then punched her over and over make her face ooze with blood.

Then Liam showed up watching what was happening.

"Oh Liam"Bridget cried out.
"Help please"

I gave him a death glare telling him to back off. He looked at me then to Bridget. He had guilt written on his face. He then went to pick up Bridget.

"I can't believe you?! You pick her up and care for her?! When you and your friends beat me to death everyday...and every other sick twisted thing you put me through!

He just looked down. I almost started crying but I didn't.

"Liam beat her up..she hurt me." Whined Bridget

Liam just stood there frozen.
"Liam?! it now! She whined again

He looked at me with sad eyes and walked up to me.

"Just get it over with." I said

"I'm so sorry "he whispered,tears burning in his eyes as he raised his fists up.
He then beat me all over. Haley and Taylor then came along. They both ran to me and started yelling and trying to pry him off my limp body.

I was slowly slipping from the blows to my head ,and blacked out completely.

Hayley's POV

"LIAM GET OFF NOW! I said pounding and punching at his back

"Taylor go get a teacher now!" I said panicking.

"Im on it "she said sprinting in the other direction .


He then stopped. He looked distraught.
Bridget looked beaten, but pleased with what Liam had done.
Liam than stormed off.

"Woa shy girl has finally spoken" Bridget said smirking

"Listen here Bridget you are a fake wanna be slut! criticize people and bring them down,when really you are probably a depressed little immature brat! "So why don't you slit your wrists now" I mean I'm only stating your advice." I shouted angrily

She looked uncomfortable and everyone was staring at her waiting for a reaction.

"I-I" she said then ran off crying

"Now you know how Scarlett feels!" I said.

Then Taylor showed up with Mr.Brunner.

"Oh god we need to get her to a hospital" he said
He then pulled out his cell phone and called

After he was done he just held Scarlett up so she wouldn't fall.

"Girls we will talk about what happened later"he said

"Ok" said Taylor and I.

I looked at Scarlett's body.
All over she was a different shade of blue and purple. She had huge healing gashes and scars. Also she looks thinner...... everywhere. If I didn't know any better, I would think she was a corpse.

When the ambulance came, me and Taylor got to go with. We only got to stay at the hospital for a bit. The doctors were running a bunch of tests. I think there might be something seriously wrong. God I hope not.
Thoughts were racing through my mind...what happened to her?...

Authors note:First off I'm so sorry I haven't updated In two days
I've been busy..also I'm sorry this chapters kinda short anyways will update hopefully again today if not I will tomorrow. Anyways...


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