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Scarlett's POV
I woke up back in my own house.....great now I'm stuck with Robert.

I dragged myself out of bed. I was still wearing the dress. I smelled terrible and looked very skinny and body was falling apart.

I just slipped on some flats,a jacket and made my way to school. When I went downstairs Robert was no were to be found. I then ran out the door heading to hell.
As I approached school people stared at me. Mainly boys were looking,probably because of the dress. I then tucked my coat over myself so they wouldn't look so much.
I walked to my first class. Kids were staring and whispering things all around me. I felt as if politeness and privacy never even existed for me.

I entered my first class "social studies" I had Harry and louis in that class,which is why I usually dreaded it.
But then my thoughts got interrupted by my teacher.....Mr.brunner.

"Scarlett....please come see me at my desk now." Mr. Brunner said

"Ok"I said trudging over there.
"What is it?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"I'm so very sorry miss Coleman,but you have an F in every one of your have been slacking....well what are you gonna do to fix it,you'll never graduate." He said.

"Great....just great." I then made my way back to my seat everyone's eyes were still on me. I caught Harry's gaze but he looked down quickly.

I just sat there till the end of the period. When the bell finally rang I ran to through the hallway trying to make it to my next class ,but got stopped by Tyler.

"Where do you think your going."asked Tyler angrily

I didn't answer ....all I did was look down trying to avoid eye contact.

"Just because of what happened doesn't make you special...don't think I'm gonna pity you."Tyler said getting in my face.
I just moved back slowly not really listening.

"Fine you don't want to listen then I'll Make you ."he said shoving me into a locker making me drop my stuff....I just stood there staring blankly back at him. People started to gather around to witness the fight that was about to occur.

He than started punching me..I still didn't react.
He started getting angry with my new found attitude.

"Cry!" He demanded then punched me in the mouth.

I just looked at the blood slowly dripping out making it's way all over my clothes.
To be honest it hurt a lot but that pain was no match for the emotional pain I was going through.

People took videos and pictures.
Tyler kicked and kicked me till I couldn't breathe until the other boys showed up.

"Tyler get off of her now!"yelled louis pulling him back.

"She's had enough"added Niall

"Your right guys"Tyler said restraining himself.

Everyone soon left except Harry...

"Are you ok?"he asked looking deep into my eyes.

"Never better"I choked out getting up slowly. Harry helped me up.

"I'm really sorry for how I've treated you..." Harry said.

"Uhuh ok..." I mumbled

I soon limped away leaving Harry there alone.

School was finally over. I walked home from school,when I reached the house there were two cars in the driveway.
Probably just another one of Roberts sluts.

When I went in side I stumbled upon Robert.

"Scarlett I have news...go pack your stuff."


"I am selling you"

"To who!?"

Oops to bad so sad.Hey readers Comment-Vote-Follow
Most of you keep reading but none comment....?please I want your opinions...preferably nice ones but if you have to be rude...don't just remember I'm only human. Well bye readers!


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