Missing piece's

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Scarlett's POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone timer going off.

"Harry....come on get up, we are gonna be late for school."I said,groggily hitting him awake.

"Urgggg...." He groaned out.

I then grabbed my phone to call louis to make sure he was up. When I called him he didn't answer....maybe he got sick from all the alcohol,last night.

I then got up to change. When I was done Harry was already dressed and ready to go. He wore a white plain t-shirt and black skinny jeans. His hair was pushed back an all messy,I liked it that way.

We than headed out the door for school.

At school:

Harry and I walked into school, his arm slung around my shoulder. As we walked down the hallway there was a lot of whispering and gasps.... I bet most of these people thought I was dead.

I looked down embarrassed and nervous.

Harry then sent a reassuring look,that everything was going to be ok.

I then spotted Niall in the hallway. He glanced at Harry's arm around me,then got a look of jealousy.

"Harry I've got to go talk to Niall." I said, anxiously.

"Ok see yah later babe,I've got to get to class anyway." He then kissed my cheek and headed off in the other direction.
I then ran up to the jealous looking Niall.

"Have you seen louis?" I asked.

"Oh you mean your brother." Niall said,rudely.

"Yea, I have been trying to reach him but he hasn't answered all morning...also what is your problem." I asked coldly.

"Well first off, you forgave Harry and louis way to easily for what they did to you and second of all have you ever thought that Harry may be hiding something from you . And no I haven't seen louis." Niall said.

"Why do you care Niall?!.....Harry may have hurt me and beat me until I wanted to die but at least he is actually trying to make up for it....what have you been doing while I went through hell?!...huh ?! I yelled

Niall just looked down grimly.

"Look I never intended to hurt you.... And for what it's worth...I'm sorry." He said looking down sheepishly.

"You will be forgiven when I believe you deserve it."

"Ok.....and are you and Harry, yah know....a thing now."he asked nervously

"Yes we are." I said proudly

Niall then turned a bright shade of red... He looked angry.

Then all of a sudden Liam came up.

"Hey Scarlett are you ok." Liam asked sincerely.

"Why the fuck do you care....you abused me...help kill my mother and beat me when I was already down! I said ,glaring at him intensely

He had guilt written all over his face.

"Is there anything I can do to help you." Liam asked, reassuringly.

"Have you seen or talked to louis?.I asked,anxiously.

"No why?...

"Never mind." I said as I sprinted to the bathroom.

I was going to call my dad..maybe he will know were louis is.



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