The Plan

144 17 2

Harry p.o.v

Well so far my day has been great although that Bridget girl keeps hitting on me....anyway I wonder What Scarlett was talking about when she said I took her mom ? I didn't take her...she must be delusional.

As I was walking down the hallway I ran into my friends.

"Guys we need to talk" I said signaling for us to go somewhere private.

What is it? Niall asked

"Anyone seen the rat today." added Louis

"Make it quick Harry I have math finals soon." said Liam.

"Look Scarlett and I got into this huge fight. I kind of knocked her out an..-

"What the hell?!" screamed Liam

"Just listen I said continuing we are gonna take her to my house today, and tie her up in the basement before something bad happens. Also if you need to blow off steam she will be down their to take any beating." I said getting a sly smirk on my face.

They all seemed to nod in agreement all accept Liam and Zayn....

"Liam come on man."

It is for the best ,added Niall.

"Fine but this is getting to dangerous." Oh and Harry get your priorities straight...first you want to beat the shit out of her and then next you are trying to protect her?!...from what Harry?! Nothing! The only thing that rat needs to be protected from is us." he said walking away angrily.

"Whatever." I yelled getting angry

Zayn? I asked

"Why are you so quiet."

"Oh nothing " he said

He had the smell of alcohol on his breath and he looked like he hadn't slept in awhile.

"Do you agree with this" I asked.

"Yea I do,the pig will finally get what she has been asking for."

"Ok fine...Zayn after school you will be the one to take her out of the dumpster an-..

"You put her in a dumpster?."louis asked bursting out laughing

"Classy absolutely classy" he said patting me on the back.

"Can I finish my sentence" I asked getting annoyed."


"Anyway Zayn take her out of the dumpster and bring her to my house ,make sure you aren't seen." I said finishing.

"Ya ya I get it Harry" he said taking out a cigarette.

We all went our separate ways,Scarlett was gonna be ours..I liked the sound of that.

Also were is Tyler ? He is apart of our group to.

End of school day 5 hours later

Zayn p.o.v

Ugh I can't believe I'm the one who has to take little miss princess to Harry's..honestly I don't know what the hell he is doing. I made my way over to the trash cans everything was smelly and isolated.

I lifted up the lid of the bin and saw her body in there,she was bruised all over. I dragged her body out roughly not caring if she was hurt or not ,when suddenly she started to wake up.


"No Zayn" I corrected

Can you help? she asked her voice hoarse and fragile.

"No I'm not here to help some one like you." I spat

She just looked down and frowned as if defeated.

I didn't even bother picking her up I just kept dragging her to my car when suddenly a student appeared?!

No one is here usually?

It was a girl ,she had short brown and hair and was looking around frantically. I knew this was not gonna end well. Then Scarlett looked up....

"Oh my god Rose..Rose! Help I'm over here." She yelled.

The girl quickly made her way over to us . Instantly I pulled out something I didn't practically want to gun.

Rose froze in her tracks,staring at my weapon.

Scarlett looked confused and then looked were Rose's eyes were looking.

"Zayn what the hell stop! She screamed. I will go with you just please don't hurt her please." she begged with tears in her eyes.

She look so distressed and sad I couldn't help feeling the tiniest bit of sympathy for her.

"Sorry..I said,Harry said that we can't be seen,so I'm doing just that." I said pulling back the trigger and firing.

Scarlett went crazy...

"No! No!!" She screamed and ran over to her. She grabbed her friends bleeding body.

"Don't leave please." She cried

I hurried and tried to grab her ,she slipped away and ran.

DAMN! That's the fastest I've ever seen her run before.

I obviously couldnt catch her so I called up the boys...


"Hey Harry got bad news you need to get the boys and hurry ,scar escaped and she saw me kill her friend!If we don't get to her before she gets to the police then we are all screwed hurry the fuck up!" I yelled panicking.

"Ok we are on our way,meet us at her house" he said before hanging up.

God this is getting old I thought to myself. Why can't we just kill her. It would get all this shit over with,I thought as I was making my way over to her house.

Scarlett's p.o.v

I ran and ran with tears burning in my eyes. I made my way home and ran in not even caring that Robert was having sex with some random woman on the couch. I ran upstairs locking my door. I went to my cell phone and called 9-1-1

"Hello operator speaking what's your emergency?

I told her how my friend was shot but I forgot to say by who, I just was stressing to the lady they have to get there fast. I then explained the address and hung up.

"Stay strong Scarlett I told myself"trying to think of something good.

When there was a loud knock at the door downstairs. "Come in" Robert yelled. I didn't dare go down there. I ran out and made my way to the bathroom because it had a window I could escape out of. When I ran into the Chest of Niall?!

"Hey princess." He said smirking

I then turned to run downstairs and out the door and ran into Liam?!

"Just come here." he said getting angry running towards me.

I ran down the hallway to my moms room and ran into louis.

"Oh come on now love,let's make this quick and easy." he grinned devilishly.

There was no way out. My mind was going crazy. I just want to break down and cry.

"Robert! Help me please." I screamed


I backed up all of them walking closer to me , closing me in.

I backed up into my bedroom,and ran into a body. I turned around and looked up to meet Harry's gaze,his piercing green eyes filled with lust and excitement.

"Why hello Scar,it's nice to see you again."bhe said chuckling .

Cliffhanger oops sorry lovelies 😎😋 you will just have to wait and see what happens:)

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