Trading places

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Scarlett's POV
I have been walking for hours,my feet are killing me. Where could Louis possibly be?..... I then thought of all the places I've met joe recently. He must be in that park or possibly left a note. Anyways I have to hurry so I'm not late. I then began to walk faster. The sooner I get louis the better I will feel. I finally made it to the park, it was quiet and there was no one there.

I then got this creepy feeling that somebody was watching me. When I get that feeling my instincts are usually right. I looked around cautiously. The park was silent,all I could hear was the whistle of the wind through the trees and the swing sets creaking while swing back and fort
I then spotted a black van. Assuming it was them I stood my ground and waited to confront my uncle.

Harry's POV
Where the heck is she,school is almost out and she is no where in sight.
Something can't be right here...oh god she went after louis I just know it. Fuck school, I'm going to get her before she screws something up. I then ran out the door,receiving weird looks from Liam and Niall. As I made my way to the car I got lost in my thoughts.

If I were joe where would I go ?...

If I were Scarlett were would I look first ?

I've got to stop her at all costs ,who knows what joe is planning,he is a sick twisted man. I know one thing is for sure....whatever that prick wants from her it's not going to be good.
I then got in my car and set out to find her.

Scarlett POV

My uncle stepped out of the van with three men holding louis.

My body tensed as I saw a gun against louis back.

"Scarlett dear,time to go home now." Said joe ,evilly.

"Scarlett get out of-"louis tried yelling

"Quiet you fool!" Joe yelled,pointing his gun at him.

"Look save the shit....let him go, I will come with you." I said stepping right in front of the gun.
The gun was cold and touching my chest.

"Good girl,your becoming obedient." Joe said ,smirking.

"I'm not a damn dog you tool" I said coldly.

"Ehh we still have to fix your attitude, but that can be adjusted." He said brushing his hand across my face.

I winced at his touch.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her!" Louis screamed out,kicking up wildly.

"Silence!" Joe yelled

He then slapped louis in the face.

I ran up to him and kissed his cheek.

"Louis this is probably going to be that last time I see you. If I don't go now they will continue to hurt the people I love." I said,with tears starting to form up in my eyes.

"But you can't, you don't know what he will do to you." Louis cried out

"Its worth the risk." I said in a faint voice.

"Ok enough talk.....boys you know what to do." Joe said signaling them towards me.

The men then let go of louis and grabbed me. They then hand cuffed me.

"And just to make sure you don't sprint away." Joe said then he took out a rope.
They bonded my feet together.

Louis just stared with pleading eyes.

The ropes were rubbing against my skin, forming bruises.

"Ouch can you loosen them a little?! They are to tight!" I groaned.

All on my own (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now