Zayns punishment

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Scarlett's p.o.v
I woke up,Niall still sound asleep. I didn't want to wake him up so I quickly just slipped out of the room.

Maby now was a good time to escape. I looked around for a door. I tip toed around the house when I finally stumbled across a door. As soon as I reached for the door handle someone grabbed my waist and dragged me.

What the?!-

"Your are in big trouble"Zayn growled dragging me down the hall.

"What did I do now?"I asked wincing at his touch.

"It's your Fault Niall punched me and I caught you trying to escape" he said grinning.

Them Harry chirped in.

"You tryed to escape?" He asked questioning.

"No I was just looking for the bathroom" I lied.

"Yea ok at the very front of the house." He asked again ,obviously not believing it

"Take her to the room" Harry said "I will meet you down there with louis and Liam in a minute."

Zayn then dragged me into to this dark room.
"Ow,loosen up that hurts." I said as I was trying to pull my wrists away.

"Isn't that they idea?!he growled tightening his grip.

Inside the room were a bunch of weapons. All along the walls were machete's and wip's. There were a bunch of chairs with neck holders and arm holders. Also along the other side of the wall there were dangling chains.

"What the hell is this." I asked horrified at what I saw.

"All I can say is it's a torture room"
He then grabbed me and locked me into the dangling chains from the ceiling and floor.

They were cold and the metal was pinching my skin. He then started peeling off my clothing.

"No-no stop." I yelled kicking,but the chain enabling me to move.
"Please stop I'll do whatever you want. I begged.

"Aww look at you sooooo helpless" he said smirking. He slipped off my shirt and then started to pull off my shorts.

"Why are you doing this" I whined out getting really self conscious.

"Because all whore's need to get what they deserve."he then went over to the death tools,looking at them intently.

I was chained up sprawled out and only in my bra and underwear.(which are probably extremely dirty due to how long I've had them on.)

Harry then came in with the rest of the boys.

"Hey she is finally right were she belongs."louis said

Then Harry spoke up "this is how this is gonna go, we are gonna ask questions and you will answer them." He then went over and grabbed a wip. All of them were picking out weapons except Niall,he just stared at me....pitying me.

They all made there way over to me,alll except Niall. Then all of a sudden Tyler walked in....,,
"Hey boys..sorry I've been away for awhile."

"Ooo torture...great." He said smirking at me.
"You make me sick" I said yelling at him.
Harry had a wip,
Louis had daggers
Liam grabbed nothing.....great he is gonna use his fists. I thought.
Niall just stood there sheepishly.
Zayn grabbed the machete
I then shifted in my seat getting strongly uncomfortable at the site that I was witnessing.
Tyler also grabbed a wip.
Once they made their way over to me Harry started to question me.

"Where you trying to escape?"

"Yes of course I was -I just really want to leave,I'm sorry ok ju-
He whipped me on the stomach making me flinch in pain.
I didn't know whether to feel Angry or hurt but anger took over.

All on my own (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now