Chapter 9

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Ymir's Pov:

The guys walk over to us and Eren and Armin instantly walk over to Mikasa and Connie and Jean to Sasha.

Floch and his friends then turn to us and walk towards us.

"Hello, Christa." Floch says with a smirk.

The same goddamn smirk I talked about.

"Her name is Historia." I correct him and he scoffs.

"Shut up, no one cares what you say." He says angrily and I clench my fist.

Before I could even answer him he falls back by a punch in his face. I quickly look to my left to find Historia breathing angrily and shaking her right hand.

"Gosh that hurt but it felt so good!" She breathes out and then sits back down next to me again.

"If you ever talk again to her like that something worse will happen." She warns him and he holds his bruised cheek with his hand.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly and she nods.

I carefully take her hand which makes her flinch. I slowly bring her hand up to my lips and kiss her knuckles softly.

"I could've punched that idiot. I don't want you to get hurt." I say and she places her free hand on my cheek.

"It's okay, don't worry. And it actually felt good." Historia replies which makes me laugh.

"You know I'm right here, right?" Floch says.

"Did you hear something?" I ask which makes Historia chuckle.

"Nope, did you?" She asks back.

"Me neither." I respond with a smirk and then look back to Floch.

He just scoffs and then walks away with his friends following him.

"You wanna go swimming?" Historia asks after a few seconds of silence.

"Um..I think I'm gonna watch you from outside for a while." I reply and she nods.

"But you'll join me, right?" She asks and I smile.

"Of course." I say and she leans towards me and kisses my cheek.

"Is it okay if I take of your shirt? I don't want it to get wet." Historia asks and I smile softly.

"Yeah, of course." I tell her and smiles before taking off my shirt.

She puts it down next to her and then gets up and walks towards the pool. I can't help but watch her as she goes into the water. Her body is so perfect. I mean..I get why the boys stare at her because she's more than beautiful but they look at her with more than just admiration. I hate that. And right now I hate myself because I'm not better than them. I'm look at her the same way they do.

I slowly get up and walk over to the pool. I sit down at the edge with my feet in the water. When I look around for Historia I spot her with Floch and his friends. I immediately start clenching my fists and jaw and glare at him so hard that my head starts to hurt.


I should stop worrying

I know nothing will happen because she won't let it happen

So I look down at the water because I can't stand looking at them. I start playing with my fingers and bite my lip nervously.

I never thought I'd be this jealous and anxious. Well..I never believed that Historia and I would be together one day but now that it's actually happening I'm so afraid that I'll lose her.

Someone then suddenly places their hands on my knees which makes me look up. I expected Historia so my smile immediately fades when I see that it's not her.

"Hey there." A girl says with a grin.

It's one of Flochs friends..

(She doesn't exist in aot)

"Um..hello?" I reply with a frown and push her hands off my knees.

"You're hot." She says and places her hands on my knees again.

"Thanks." I respond and push her hands away again.

"I'm Ria." She says and I raise my eyebrow while nodding.

"Aha, okay." I mumble, a little annoyed.

Someone then suddenly cleared their throat which makes her turn around.

"Excuse me?" Historia asks with crossed arms.

"What?" Ria asks annoyed and crosses her arms too.

"Hands off my girlfriend. Now!" Historia warns her while walking over to me.

"You can't command me around like that, Christa." The girl says which makes her scoff.

"My name is Historia. Historia Reiss. I'm the future queen and if you don't leave Ymir alone I'll get you arrested or something like that." She replies and I take her hand.

"And tell Floch if he ever looks at Historia or flirts with her he's dead." I add and she quickly nods.

Ria then walks over to Floch and the other guy and she says something to them. As soon as she's finished they look at us and then quickly get out of the water and walk away.

"That..was hot." I say while turning back to her.

"I-It wasn't. N-no, not at all." Historia mumbles shyly while blushing deeply.

"Yes, yes it was." I tell her and then kiss her lips softly.

"People only called me cute before I-I can't be cute and hot. T-That's not possible I-"

I cut her off by pressing my lips onto hers again. She gently cups my cheeks and pulls my face more to hers. I then slowly get into the water too and wrap my arms around her lower back. I gently pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I love the feeling of her bare skin under my fingers, I can't get enough of it

I can't get enough of her

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