Chapter 12

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Annies Pov:

"Hange? We need your help." Ymir says as we walk back to the others, who are now all outside of the pool.

Hange looks at us and everyone gasps when I walk in with Mikasa.

"Annie, you're out of your cristal?!" Jean asks shocked.

"That's not important right now." I answer and then look down at Mikasa.

"Mikasa!" Armin yells as he and Eren run towards us.

"I-Is she?"

"No." I tell Armin.

"But she needs help." I continue and Hange rushes to us.

"Annie, follow me." She says and I nods before walking away with Hange, Eren and Armin are following us.


"She's going to be okay, right?" I ask Hange after I lay Mikasa down on a bed.

"Yeah, she just has a few burning wounds and bruises. She should be fine in a couple of days." She answers and I nod.

"A-Annie." Mikasa breathes out so I quickly sit down on the bed, next to her.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here, Mika." I whisper softly while grabbing her hand.

"It hurts." She says while breathing heavily and I squeeze her hand.

"I know, I know." I reply softly and brush the hair out of her face.

"Earlier it didn't look like you we're in much pain." I whisper as I let my hand travel down to her cheek, caressing it softly and she chuckles.

"You made the first move, I just followed your lead." Mikasa says, making me snort.

"Annie, how did she got hurt?" Hange asks, making me look at her.

"W-when my cristal exploded out of nowhere, she run towards me a-and the explosion hit her." I answer, my hands all shaking.

"S-She got hurt trying to s-save me." I stutter and then suddenly feel a hand in mine again.

I turn back to Mikasa, who's giving me a weak smile. "It's okay. It was my decision to run towards you." She reassures me while squeezing my hand.

"Okay so I will get some medicine for the pain, you'll stay here with her." Hange says before walking off.

After a few minutes Mikasa fell asleep and Eren and Armin thought it would be the best time to ask me questions.

"So..what's going on between you two?" Eren asks curiously with crossed arms.

"W-What?" I stutter.

"I thought you two always hated each other." He explains and I sigh in relief.

"Oh um..well..when I was in the cristal, Mikasa talked to me. And um..I started to like her and I know she did too." I mumble while looking down at Mikasa.

"And now you are friends?" Eren asks and I nod.

"I guess so."

"Just friends? Or more?" Armin asks, making me freeze.

"W-What? What do you mean?" I ask nervously.

"Oh c'mon, don't pretend we didn't see you two earlier." He says and he and Eren laugh.

"Oh you two shut up." I mutter.

Mikasa then suddenly stirrs in her sleep which makes me look at her again. I carefully place my hand on her cheek and she leans her head against it while mumbling something under her breath.

"And you still don't wanna tell us that you don't have feelings for her?" Eren asks, making me groan.

"Fine, I like her. Now leave me alone." I say and they laugh.

"I think you two are perfect for each other." Armin says, making me smile.

"Annie?" I hear Mikasa whimper which makes me look at her instantly.

"Shh, I'm here." I whisper softly and she grabs onto my shirt.

"Lay with me, please." She says and pulls me towards her weakly.

I then lay down next to her and she lays the blanket over me before cuddling into my side.

"Doesn't it hurt?" I ask but she shakes her head.

"Should we leave you two alone?" Eren asks and I could literally feel him grin.

Mikasas eyes immediately open and she stares at them with wide eyes.

"Since when are you two here?" She asks nervously and they laugh.

"Oh we were here the whole time." Eren answers while crossing his arms.

"Oh.." Mikasa mumbles before burying her face in my neck.

"Leave!" She whines and the guys laugh before leaving the room.

"Didn't know you can be this shy." I tease her and she groans in my neck.

"Don't worry, it's cute." I whisper before gently kissing her temple which makes her lift her head.

She just smiles shyly at me and I place my hand under her ear, pulling her face towards mine. Mikasa then leans in and places her lips on mine and I immediately kiss her back while closing my eyes. She suddenly is about to climb on top of me but I stopped her.

"No, you're hurt." I say as I pull away, making her groan.

"We can continue this when you're okay again." I tell her and she sighs before laying back down next to me again.

"Can you stay here until Hange is back with the medicine?" Mikasa asks and I smile.

"Of course." I answer and gently kiss her forehead.

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