Chapter 19

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Ymirs Pov:

Today is Historias birthday and I got up early so I can make her breakfast. Well it's actually already kinda noon but we always sleep very long when we don't have to really do anything. I made her some scrambled eggs and bacon.

I open the door to our bedroom and quietly walk over to the bed. I put the breakfast on the nightstand before waking Historia. She shifts a little before slowly opening her eyes.

"Happy birthday, my love." I whisper as I lean down to kiss her forehead.

She starts smiling and wraps her arms around my neck before pulling me down to kiss me. After that I pull away, get the breakfast and sit down on the bed in front of her.

"Aww you made breakfast?" Historia asks happily while sitting up.

"Anything for my birthday girl." I answer and she places her hand on my cheek, which makes me smile.

We then just ate breakfast until everything was gone and we're full.

"That..was delicious." Historia groans as she lays back down on the bed.

"So...I would love to spend more time with you alone but how about we go spend some time with the others?" I suggest and she nods with a smile.

"But maybe get dressed first." I tell her and she chuckles while getting out of the bed.

"Why? You have a problem with that?" She asks, making me glance down her body.

Because it's so warm outside, even at night, Historia and I usually sleep in only our underwear.

"Well..I don't but I'm the only one who's allowed to look at this body." I answer while wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I guess I'll get dressed then." Historia mumbles and I chuckle a little at that.

"But how about you join me in the shower?" She asks, which makes me raise an eyebrow.


"Happy birthday!" The others cheer as we all walk over to them.

Historias immediately starts smiling and rushes over to hug all of them. As they all chat, Sasha walks over to me.

" gonna do it tonight?" She asks, making me look at her with a frown.

"Propose to her." She whispers and mt eyes widen.

"Oh, yeah.." I reply with a nervous sigh, which makes her smile.

"Ahh, I'm so happy for you." She squeals while pulling me into a hug.

"Guys, the cake is here!" Connie cheers as Niccolo places the cake I made on the table.

Everyone starts cheering and sits down at the big table. "Aww, you didn't had to bake a cake, Niccolo." Historia says but he just shakes his head.

"Oh I didn't make the cake." He replies, making her frown.

"Wait..who did then?" She asks confused and Niccolo just nods over to me.

"You baked me a cake?" Historia asks softly as I walk over to her.

"And you can't even bake!" She whines happily while wrapping her arms around me and I laugh at that.

"Hey, I didn't do that bad!" I exclaim, making her chuckle.

"It looks awesome, babe." She says before kissing my cheek.

I then sit down next to her and we all just started eating cake.

"Wow Ymir, the cake does actually taste good." Annie says surprise and I smile proudly.

"Mhm." Sasha stuffs the cake in her mouth, making us laugh.

Niccolo then puts a bottle of champagne on the table and Jean grabs it to pour some in everyone's cup. But when he was about to pour it into Historias cup, she stops him.

"Why not? I thought you love champagne." Jean asks with a frown.

"Well..I do but I can't drink for the next few months." Historia answers and then glances at me with a smile.

Everyone just looks at us confused until Armins eyes widen. "You're pregnant?!" He exclaims shocked and she nods with a small chuckle.

" worked?" Hange asks shocked, on which she nods again.

"It did." Historia replies while leaning her head against my shoulder.

"'re pregnant?" Connie wonders and she nods in response.

"From Ymir?" He asks, Historia nods again.


"How?" He asks confused, making us chuckle.

"Well..explaining how it worked could take a while so if anyone is interested to know just come to me. But right now I think you guys have a lot of other questions." Hange responds with a small smile.

" you already know what gender they have?" Mikasa asks, making us look at her.

"Well..I know that I'm pregnant for only a few days, not yet." Historia replies and then takes my hand.

"But I don't think we really care about that as long as they're healthy." She adds and I nod in agreement.

"You two are going to be great moms." Sasha says, which makes us both smile.

"And I'm going to be an awesome aunt!" She exclaims and we laugh at that.

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