Chapter 4

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Ymir's Pov:

After that we continue playing the game but the fact that Historia likes someone else breaks my heart. I can't concentrate on anything but that right now.

"So..Ymir, truth or dare." Sasha asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I look up and scratch the back or my neck. "Um..dare, I guess?"

"I heard you can do a handstand for a couple of minutes so do that for the next two rounds." She says and I frown.

"You want me to make an handstand? That's your dare?" I ask and she nods.

"Okay.." I get up. "And why exactly did you chose that dare?" I ask as I walk a bit behind the log where I was sitting.

"Well..I want to see if you actually can do that. And I think some people here would enjoy seeing your muscles." Sasha replies which makes me chuckle.

"Don't know who that would be but okay." I say with a shrug and then got ready in position.

"Should I start or..?" I ask and Sasha nods.

"Okay.." I mumble and then get down to do an handstand.

"You can hold that for a couple minutes?" Historia asks.

"Yeah, but I probably shouldn't do that for long because my blood is rushing into my head, heh. Also its very difficult to talk like that." I answer.

I haven't done an handstand in a long time but so far it's going pretty well.

"Ymir?" Historia calls me and I hum in response.

Like I's difficult to talk when you're upside down.

"Um..your pullover is uh.."

I try to look up to her to find her blushing like a mess.

Why's she blushes?

"What?" I ask confused.

"What she's trying to say is that your sweater fell a little down and we can kinda see your stomach and a bit of your sports bra but that's okay." Hange says quickly.

Wow that woman can speak fast

I snort. " I don't care if you see anything."

"Well I think some here are enjoying it."  She says with a chuckle.

"Horny teenagers." I mumble to myself.

I glance over to Historia and notice that she's staring at me. Or stomach.

I guess working out and training so much was worth it at the end.

"Hey, Ymir!" I look away from Historia and to Eren.


"You wanna tell me what you did to get those?" He asks while mentioning to my abs.

"Well..I work out? Everyday." I answer simply.

"I can tell you later what exactly I do if you want?" I suggest and he nods.

"But now..can you please continue playing the game before my arms break?" I ask and they all quickly continue playing.


"Historia, truth or dare?" Eren ask.

Two rounds are over so I'm already sitting next to Historia again.

"Um..dare." she answers.

Eren glances over to me, then back to Historia and then starts to smirk.

"Kiss the person you like." Eren says and our eyes widen.

"What?" We both ask shocked.

"I won't kiss anyone in front of you. Especially when it's my first kiss." Historia says nervously.

"Okay, okay but how about we all close our eyes and then you'll do it?" Eren suggests, making her sigh.

"You guys could still hear who I would kiss by where the um..noises comes from." She says while blushing.

I don't want her to kiss someone. I always wanted to be her first kiss. And her to be mine..

"Well..for a fact I know you don't like me or Connie so how about we both just sing very loudly so no one can hear anything?" Sasha suggests and Connie gasps.

"How could you not like me?" He asks, acting all dramatic and hurt which makes Historia laugh.

"You're not really my type, sorry." She says with a chuckle.

"And what's your type?" He asks.

Historia glances at me nervously and I smile at her reassuringly.

I know she's very nervous and shy about things like that and I don't like it when people make her feel uncomfortable.

"Um well..the person I like is my type, I guess." She responds and he smiles.

"So you're okay with our idea?" Sasha asks and Historia nods.

"If anyone cheats and doesn't closes their eyes or looks secretly I'm gonna kill you." I warn them and everyone nods quickly.

I look over to Historia and grab her hand. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." I whisper and she nods.

"I know. But I want to." She says and I squeeze her hand before letting it go.

I'm so not ready for this..

Why do I feel more nervous about this than her?

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