Chapter 24

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Ymirs Pov:

It's been nearly a week since the war has ended and we're all still really crushed about Erens death.

We all know Mikasa and Armin have it the worst so we really avoid bringing it up.

While Sasha and Niccolo are already finished with planning their wedding, Historia and I are right in the middle of it.

I didn't knew planning this could be so exhausting. And since Historia is busy with queen work I'm mostly planning it alone.

Historia and I are currently in her office, working.

"Ahh, I don't to anymore! I knew everything after the rumbling would be difficult but so much?!" Historia whines exhaustedly while leaning back in her chair.

So I get up and walk over to her. I wrap my arms around her from behind and kiss her head.

"How about we take a little break?" I suggest and she immediately nods.

She then gets up as well and we both go to our bedroom and lay down on the bed. As soon as we lay down Historia immediately cuddles into my side and takes my hand.

"Can you tell me what you all have planned for our wedding so far?" Historia asks curiously and I sigh.

"Babe, we wanted to relax." I reply but she only whines in response.

"Okay okay, fine." I chuckle and she smiles proudly.

"Well..I made a plan where everyone will sit but you can change it if you want to. I also wrote down some food suggestions." I tell her and she starts to smile widly before leaning up and kissing me.

"I can't wait to marry you." Historia says as we pull away, which makes me smile as well.

"Me neither." I reply before leaning back in to kiss her.

I then was about to get on top of her when she gently pushes me away. I look at her with a frown, but she only laughs at me.

"Ymir.." Historia says, still laughing at me.

"What?" I ask confused while sitting down on the bed again.

" do know I'm pregnant, right?" She says, making my eyes widen.

"O-Oh! I forgot.." I mumble and scratch the back of my neck embarrassed.

"You forgot I'm pregnant?!" She exclaims and I give her a sheepish smile.

"Maybe?" I reply, on which she rolls her eyes.

"Idiot." Historia mumbles with a small smile as she gets up.

But then someone suddenly knocks on the door, which makes me get up from the bed as well.

The door opens and one of the guards walk in. "Um..your highness, there's a couple asking for you." He says and I glance at Historia with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhm..okay, I'll be there in a minute." She tells him and he nods before leaving again.

"Who do you think it'll be?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I don't know.." she mumble.

"Guess you'll find out now." I add before taking her hand.

We walk out of the room and down the stairs to find a woman and a man standing at the entrance. They look like they're in their early 40s.

" asked for me?" Historia says as she let's my hand go to walk closer to them.

So I stand behind

"Oh yes, thank you for letting us speak to you, we heard you're very busy." The woman says and Historia smiles at her politely.

"We hoped you could help us with finding our daughter." The man says, which makes her raise an eyebrow.

"What's her name?" She asks.


"Um..we don't have a kid with that name here.." Historia tells them with a sad smile.

"Oh she probably isn't a kid anymore. Apparently she got turned into a titan when she was around 13 years old. Since the mindless titans turned into humans again we hoped she would've turned back like we did." The woman replies, which makes me raise my eyebrow.

I got turned into a titan when I was about that age as well..


"How does she look like? Maybe it would help." Historia suggests and they nod.

"Well she has brown hair, a little darker skin like we do and she should have freckles. Everyone in our family has them." The man describes and now I'm kinda freaking out.

Why does that sound like me?

"So..she technically looks like her?" Historia says before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her.

"I guess but she's way too old." The man says and I scoff a little.

"Wait..did you got turned into a titan too?" The woman asks, which makes me look at her.

"Um..well I was a foster kid since I was little. I still don't know why my parents gave me away. I then got adopted by some weird dude, who named me Ymir,  after Ymir Fritz. I lived with them until I got turned into a titan." I say and the woman gasps slightly.

"How old were you back then?" She asks.

"13, I believe. I wandered around as a mindless titan for around 60 years until I got turned back since I uh..accidentally ate the holder of the jaw titan. And since then I lived here. That was about eight years ago." I continue and the couple looks at each other with wide eyes.

"V-Victoria? Is it you?"

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