Chapter 5

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Ymir's Pov:

We now all sit here with closed eyes and as soon as Historia is ready Sasha and Connie start singing.

I'm honestly not really ready for them to sing because I know they're not good at it.

"You're ready?" Connie asks.

"Yeah." Historia answers and they then start singing loudly.

"Okay maybe you two should practice your singing voice." I comment with my eyes shut completely.

"Shut uup!" Connie sings which makes me laugh.

I then look down again and take a deep breath.

She's going to have her first kiss and it's not with me..

I can't help but tear up because of that fact. I drag my fingers through my hair and try to calm down again.

Gosh I hate being so emotional about this! I'm still not used to being so vulnerable and emotional when it comes to her.

I take a deep breath, wipe my tears away with my sleeve and then put my face in my hands.

After a few seconds I lift my head again and lean my head back so I'd stare up in the sky if my eyes would be open.

It's been a few minutes and so far nothing happened.

I then suddenly feel soft lips on mine which makes me open my eyes immediately. Historia quickly pulls away after about one second and stares at me nervously.

"I-I'm the person you like?" I ask shocked.

I then quickly look around and everyone has still their eyes closed. they actually don't cheat nor hear us?

"Y-yeah. I-Im sorry if you don't feel the same I-"

I quickly stand up and press my lips against hers while wrapping my arms around her waist. Historia holds onto my shirt tightly and kisses me back with the same passion as me. I then slowly pick her up and sit back down on the log with her on my lap. She places her hands on my cheeks and pulls my face more to hers which makes me smile into the kiss. We continue like this for a few more seconds before we eventually pull away.

"I like you too." I tell her and she starts smiling widly.

Historia then gently wipes my tears away and I put my head against her shoulder.

I didn't even noticed I startet crying again.

She wraps her arms around my back and starts to drag her fingers up and down my spine which makes me smile.

"You don't know for how long I've dreamed about this." I say and she chuckles softly.

"Believe me, I dreamed about this for a long time too." She replies and I can't help but tear up again.

"Hey hey, don't cry again." She says quickly and pulls my head back so I'd look at her.

"I'm just so happy." I tell her with a wide smile.

"So um.." I start playing with the bottom of her shirt.

"H-How about I quickly go and fresh up again and you tell them that they can open their eyes again?" I suggest and she nods with a small smile.


I softly peck her lips before she gets up and sits down next to me again.

"Can we keep this a secret for now? I-I just want to share this with you right now." Historia mumbles and I take her hand.

"Of course." I tell her and bring her hand up to my lips and kiss her knuckles.

"I'll be right back." I whisper before letting her hand go and getting up.

I pet her head like I always do and then walk away. I stopped when I was behind a house to listen what they'll say.

"Where's Ymir?" I hear Eren asks confused.

"Um..when she felt that I was sitting next to her again she said she'll go to the bathroom and that she will be back soon." Historia lies and it seems like everybody believes her.

" was it?" Armin asks with a smirk.

That's my time to go. I don't want to spy on her like that. It's her private thing..

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