Chapter 17

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Ymirs Pov:

We're now all at Niccolo's, eating the food that he made. I always say it but his food taste soo good! Sasha is really a lucky girl. Well Historia cooks for me often too so I can't complain.

"So that we all have you guys here, we wanted to tell you something." Niccolo says, immediately getting all out attention.

"We're getting married!" Sasha exclaims while showing us the ring and we all gasp.

"Aww, I'm so happy for you two!" Historia says happily and the others say things like that too.

But I remain silent because all I can think of now is that when I propose to Historia she'll might think that I only do that because Niccolo and Sasha are engaged too. And they haven't been together for as long as we are..

"I'm really happy for you guys." I tell them and they both smile at me.

"But Nico, can I talk to you for a second?" I ask and he nods.

So we both get up and walk into the kitchen. "So..what's up?" He asks curiously.

" you know..Historia's birthday is next week and I thought can show me how to make a cake?" I ask and he chuckles a little.

"You baking?" Niccolo asks surprised and I punch his arm.

"I want it to be special and not something someone else made. And it's her 20th birthday, it's something special." I answer and he smile.

"Well I think that's a really sweet idea so of course I'll help." He says, making me smile widly.

"Thanks." I give him a short hug.

"And again, congratulations on your engagement. You two are really made for each other." I tell him and he smiles at that.

But then his eyes widen. "Oh my god, I completely forgot that you wanted to propose to Historia too! I don't want her to think that you're only proposing because you might be under pressure because I proposed to Sasha and you're longer together than we are.." Niccolo says nervously but I just patt his head.

I don't know why but I always do that with my friends.

"It's okay. I mean..I've been acting a little weird ever since I bought the engagement ring so I guess she kinda expects something. And she knows that I wanted to marry her ever since we we're teenagers." I answer with a small shrug and he smiles a little.

"So..whenever you want to come here to bake you can. And if you need help just ask." He says, making me smile too.


"Let's go back to the others." Niccolo says and I nod.

So we walk out of the kitchen and back to the others, who are chatting at the dinner table.

"Hey, everything okay?" Historia asks as I sit down next to her and I nod.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask him something." I answer as I lay my arm around her shoulder.

"You know, where he got the ring from." I say teasingly, which makes her blush.

"O-Oh really?" She stutters and I nod with a hum.

"But I think I already have a perfect one." I tell her and she raises her eyebrow, still blushing deeply.

"I can't tell if you're joking or not.." Historia mumbles, which makes me chuckle.

"Guess you'll never know." I whisper before gently kissing her.

"Well I'll definitely find out some day." She mutters while staring down at my lips.

"I guess so." I reply before kissing her again.

"So..when's the wedding?" Mikasa asks with a smile.

"Oh we haven't picked a date yet but probably soon." Sasha answers while leaning against Niccolos shoulder.

"But..I already picked my bridesmaids." She adds, which caught all the girls attention.

"So um..please don't be sad that I didn't chose you because sadly I can't choose anyone." She mumbles and I smile softly.

"Don't feel bad about it. We all know you can't choose us all. We're just happy that you're getting married." I say and the girls nod in agreement.

"Okay um..I chose Mikasa and Ymir. They're just both my best friends. N-Not like you're not b-but you know what I mean.." Sasha says and Mikasa and I start smiling.

"Ahh I can't wait to see you in a suit!" Historia exclaims as she wraps her arms around my neck, which makes me chuckle.

"You really want to see me in one, huh?" I ask teasingly but she just smirks at me.

"I do. But without it wouldn't be that bad either." She whispers in my ear, which makes me start to grin.

"Well maybe we can do something about this later.." I whisper back and she blushes at that.

"You know you two aren't the best in whispering." I hear Annie say, which makes Historia pull away from me again.

"Here a kids, you guys!" Connie whines but you can see he's trying not to laugh.

"Awgh C'mon, they're busy with each other." I say as I nod over to Gabi and Falco, who are busy staring at each other.

"Well we still could hear it and I don't think we want to know what you two are up to." Jean says and I chuckle at that.

"Okay fine, we'll be quiet." I reply and then place my hand on Historias thigh.

"But maybe not later tonight." I whisper in Historias ear.

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