Chapter 11

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Mikasas Pov:

"Mikasa, why are we in a basement?" Ymir asks confused.

"J-Just follow me, please." I say and she nods with a small smile.

I then open the door on our right and walk inside with them following me.

"This is why I can't tell my crush that I like her.." I say as we all look at Annie in her cristal.

"You like Annie?" They both ask shocked and I chuckle softly.

"Y-yeah." I stutter.

"How? Like..weren't you always like enemies?" Historia asks confused and I scratch my neck.

"Um..well..I guess we were. But I have been taking to her since she's in there and I kinda realized that I actually do like her." I mutter shyly and they smile.

"Do you think she can hear you?" Ymir asks and I shrug.

"I-I don't know. At some point I hope..but on the other hand, it would be very embarrassed if she could hear all those things I said about her. Like how much I like her a-and what I'd do if she wasn't in there.." I mutter which makes Ymir smirk.

"What would you do, huh?" She asks with crossed arms and a smug grin, making me blush so I hide behind my scarf.

"You'll never know because I don't know how long she's going to be in there." I answer with a sigh before walking towards the cristal.

I then place my hand on the cristal, where her cheek would be. "We should go back to the others." I mumble and pull away and stepping away from her.

"You know you can stay here if you want." Historia says but I shake my head.

"No, it's fine." I tell her and she nods.

We then all walk outside the door when there was suddenly a loud noise. I quickly turn back to Annie to see that there like a bomb behind her cristal.

"Mikasa, no!" Historia yells as I run towards Annie.

"Annie!" right after that the bomb explodes and the explosion makes me fall down on my back.

"Mikasa!" I hear Historia and Ymir yell and I slowly open my eyes.

Gosh, my ears hurt! Why is everything so loud?


I quickly sit up to look to Annie, which I immediately regret because everything hurts.

"Mikasa, careful! You're really hurt." Ymir says but I just try to get up anyways.

"Careful, Mikasa."

My head shoots up when I heard that voice.

"Annie?" I ask shocked and she chuckles softly while crouching down in front of me.

"Hey there, missed me?" She asks with a smirk and I hum in response.

But I was interrupted by her pressing her lips on mine. My eyes immediately widen but I slowly close them and gently kiss her back. The kiss didn't last long, about one or two seconds before she pulls away.

"W-What j-just happened?" I stutter which makes her chuckle.

"Didn't know you could stutter, Ackermann." Annie teases and I push her playfully, on which she just laughs.

"S-So you've heard what I said?" I ask and she nods with a smirk.

"Mhm, every little detail." She whispers, making me blush deeply.

"It was cute." she adds before pecking my lips.

" long have I been in here?" Annie asks.

"For a couple of months." Ymir answer which makes her eyes widen.

"You're back?! I thought you went with Reiner and Bertholdt?" She wonders.

"How do you even know that?" Ymir asks confused and Annie nods to me.

"Right.." she mumbles.

"Well..yeah, I decided to go back with the others." Ymir replies and then looks down to Historia.

"So...are you married yet?" Annie asks, making Historia blush deeply while Ymir smirks.

"Not yet." She answers as she hugs Historia from behind.

"Good, so I didn't miss it." Annie says with a smile and they smile back.

"Annie?" Ymir calls her and she looks up to her.

"We need to bring Mikasa to Hange so she can help her." She says and Annie nods.

Annie then suddenly wraps her arms around me and picks me up in bridal style which was..pretty impressive.

"Are you going to carry me to Hange?" I ask with a chuckle and she hums in response.

"But I'm too heavy." I mumble but she shakes her head.

"No you're not so shut up." She says and then kisses me softly, making me smile.

"Let's go."

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