Chapter 15

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Mikasas Pov:

"Ahh!" I quickly sit up in my bed, breathing heavily and being all sweaty.

I've been having nightmares since I'm a kid but this one was worse than usual.

It's still the same day when we went back home after getting Eren from Marley and since we all were really exhausted, most of us are taking a nap.

I then suddenly feel two arms around my waist, which makes me jump a little. "Nightmare?" Annie asks softly as she buries her face into my back.

I sigh deeply. "Yeah."

"I thought it was better since we moved together.." she mumbles before pulling away from me

"Am I even the right person for you if I can't keep those stupid nightmares away?"

I quickly turn around and grab her hands. "It is better, I promise. I don't have them every night now..but I still have them. Usually when I have a nightmare you instantly notice and hug me and then the nightmare fades immediately but..this one was worse than the others.." I tell her in one breath, which makes her face soften.

"You're my person, Annie. No one could ever keep my nightmares away but when I'm sleeping next to you..they almost fade away. When I'm in your arm I feel save, even with nightmares." I continue and she looks down while biting her lip.

"Better get in my arm then, huh?" Annie says as she looks back up to me, making me chuckle softly.

I then quickly wrap my arms around her neck and push her on her back, on the bed. She instantly lays her arms around me and I cuddle into her, deeply breathing in her scent.

We stay like that for a while until she speaks up, "As much as I enjoy this, I really wanna do something right now.."

So I sit up on her stomach and was about to get off her but she holds onto my waist. I look down at her with a frown but she just smirks at me before sitting up and pressing her lips against mine. My eyes widen at first because she got me off guard but I then slowly close my eyes while kissing her back. I lay arms around her neck while she places her hands on my back. She then grabs the bottom of my shirt before pulling it over my head, making me blush.

"You're still blushing when I do that." Annie mumbles with a smirk, which makes me just blush more.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's cute." She whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek.

After that she pushes me down on my back and gets on top of me. "How do I even deserve such a hot girlfriend?" She says and I quickly cover my face with my hands.

"You can't just say something like that!" I exclaim embarrassed, which makes her laugh.

"Gosh I love you." Annie breaths out with a wide smile and I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling like an idiot.

"No matter how often you say that to me I always get so many butterflies." I mumble, making her smile even more.

"And I love you too, by the way." I add and she chuckles at that.

"Hey how about we look what the others are doing?" Annie asks and I nod in response.

She then leans down and kisses me softly before getting off me. I slowly sit up too and turn to her with a frown.

On that she just snorts and sits down in front of me again. "You're horny, aren't you?" She says with a grin, making my face heat up.

"N-No!" I exclaim quickly but she just laughs at me, not believing me at all.

"Oh really?" Annie asks as she places her hand on my thigh and squeezes it, which makes me moan softly.

"Don't. Say. Anything." I tell her while looking down embarrassed.

"Yeah, yeah." She chuckles before getting back up and I put my shirt back on.

"What time even is it?" I ask as I get up from the bed.

Annie looks at the clock. "'s..7.34pm." She answers and I nod while walking over to her and taking her hand.

"Let's go?" I ask and she nods with a smile.

Damn I just read chapter 139 and well..looked at the second part, which isn't translated yet and wow I'm happy but also so sad!

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