Chapter 26

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Ymirs Pov:

"Wow you guys really went through a lot in the past years.." Dad mumbles after I told them what happened in the past nine years.

"Yeah..we went through a lot but being with her made me stronger." I say and look at Historia, who's already smiling at me.

"I think I speak for us both when I say we'd like to talk more with you two but we should look for a place to stay." Mom says before getting up with dad.

"You can stay here, if you want? We have many spare rooms here." Historia suggests, making them smile.

"Really? That's too generous." Mon replies with a wide smile.

"Of course, you're Ymirs parents! And you're also very sweet." She responds, making me chuckle a little.

"I can show you you're room." Historia adds while getting up as well.

"We really got a amazing daughter in law." Dad whispers to mom, which makes me laugh while Historia blushes deeply.

"I know, I'm really lucky." I say before wrapping my arms around Historia waist and kissing her temple.

"I could also give you a little tour, if you'd like?" She suggests, making my parents smile.

"Even better!" Dad exclaims cheerfully and we all laugh at that.

We then show my parents they're room and they looked like they've never seen a big apartment before.

"This is beautiful! Thank you so much!" Mom exclaims before giving Historia a big hug.

"No problem. If you need anything just ask." She tells them with a shy smile.

"So..I don't want to say goodbye yet but we have to get ready for our friends Bachelorette party." I say and mom sighs softly with a small nod.

After thinking for a while we decided to make our Batchelorette partys separate, since Historia wanted to be at Sashas too.

"Aww your friend is getting married too?" Mom asks sofly and we nod.

"I guess we all just wanted to marry our person as soon as possible." I say with a small shrug and Historia wraps her arms around my waist while cuddling into me.

"And I mean..we all have been dating for a while." I add.

"How long have they been dating?" Dad asks cheerfully.

"Niccolo and Sasha have been together for..three years I think now?" I answer and Historia nods in agreement.

"And how long have you two been together again? I kinda forgot. I'm not good with numbers." Dad wonders and I chuckle softly.

"For five years now." I respond while smiling down at Historia.

"I can't believe it's already been five years." She mutters and I lean down to her.

I gently kiss her lips and I can feel her smile against my lips, which makes me smile as well. She wraps her arms around my neck and I pick her up.

"I can't believe it either. But I couldn't be happier." I tell her as we pull away and she smiles widly at me.

"Guys, there you are. I've been looking for you everywhere!" Sasha exclaims, breathing heavily after rushing towards us.

"Oh hello." She mumbles a little embarrassed when she sees my parents.

"You kinda look like Ymir." She adds with a small frown, which makes me chuckle.

"Yeah, that's because they're my parents." I tell her and she gasp while looking at me with wide eyes.

"You'" Sasha looks shocked between us.

"Aww you guys are a little family now. You four and little Frida here." She says and then mentions to Historias stomach.

You can already see a small bump, it's so cute.

"They do know about that, right?" She asks nervously and we nod while laughing.

"Yeah, they do." I reassure her as I patt her head.

"Puh, good." Sasha sighs in relief.

"But we really need to go now, the others are already waiting!" She tells us impatiently.

"Okay okay!" I reply and then take Historias hand.

"Mom, Dad, we need to go. But I'll talk to you later." I say and they both nod with a smile.

"Have fun, honey." Mom responds and I smile at that.

"I will, thanks mom. Bye." And with that  Historia, Sasha and I walk away.

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