Chapter 28

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Ymirs Pov:

I'm currently on my way to mine and Historias room, hoping she's there.

When I arrive I knock on the door. "Historia, are you here? Please let me talk to you." I beg and after a few seconds the door slowly opens.

As soon as I see her I quickly wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly.

"I never doubted us for a second, you have to believe me. I don't know why my parents would say that and take your ring. I love you Historia and I want to marry you." I tell her, all in one breath and then pull away to look at her.

"Why..why would they say that then? And why would they take my ring?" She asks confused, so I quickly take her hands.

"I don't know, we'll find out. And I'll get your ring back but please believe me!" I beg while squeezing her hands a little.

"I..I believe you." Historia says and I sigh in relief while looking down.

"But we need to find out what your parents are planning. If they're really your parents." She adds as she walks back into our room.

But I don't say anything. I just walk after her and close the door behind me as soon as I'm inside.

"We need to-" She couldn't finish her sentence because I spin her around and press my lips against hers while gently pushing her against the wall.

"I'm sorry, I just really needed to do that." I breath out as I pull away.

"Don't ever apologize for that." Historia replies while bringing her hands up to my cheeks.

I start to smile and then pick her up and walk over to our bed. I lay her down on it before getting on top of her.

"Technically we should do something about your parents and not do this." She mutters and I chuckle as I start kissing down her neck.

"What are we doing?" I ask teasingly as I put my right hand under her shirt and on her side.

"We're not having make up sex now, Ymir." Historia tells me and I groan while leaning up.

"Why not?" I whine, making her laugh.

"Because we need to find out why your parents did all that." She says and I nod slowly as I sit up on her stomach.

"Five more minutes though? I've been really missing your touch." I mumble while leaning back down and graze my lips against hers.

"Okay." Historia whispers against my lips and I start smirk.

I lean down and press my lips against hers and she immediately kisses me back. She grabs the bottom of my shirt and I chuckle against her lips before pulling away and taking off my shirt. I was about to kiss her again when she suddenly sits up and pushes me down on my back before getting on top of me.

"Oh, hey." I say with a grin and she smirks at me.

She then leans down but instead of kissing me she starts kissing my neck. I instantly put my hands on her back, under her shirt and sigh softly.

"We really should stop." Historia mumbles against my skin and I hum in response.

I then spin us around, so I'm on top again. I grin down at her and quickly lean down to peck her lips. When I lean back up to look at her I find her smiling to herself with closed eyes.

I was about to lean down again when someone suddenly knocks on our door. I groan while pulling away and getting up, which makes her laugh. I walk over to the door and when I open it I can't believe who's standing in front of me.


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