red rope and success

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Ava couldn't stand it. The days went by too quickly, soon colliding with weeks, and then months. She felt as though if she closed her eyes she would wake up in the next year. She stared outside the glass of the Hogwarts Express. She wasn't alone in the compartment. But it felt that way. She traced small figures on the window with her finger, ignoring the numbness the pad of her first finger felt after being coated in condensation time after time. Everytime a student passed by, she would whip her head towards the hall. Hoping it would be Draco. She didn't know why, but she needed to make things right with him. She felt it was the only way to make herself feel better.

Draco, on the other hand. Couldn't have cared less about Ava. The rumours he spread were enough to leave Ava's reputation tarnished for the rest of her life. She said that if the rumours got worse she'd live in some muggle city. But that only fueled the rumour that she was a squib. 

"Are you okay?" Elliott asked her. Ava tore her eyes away from the melting heart she had just drawn onto the glass.
"Fine, why?" She replied. 
"Did you get Margarets letter?" 
"No." Ava shrugged, leaning back in her seat. Ava and Elliott had decided to go home for the holidays, Margaret decided to stay back at the castle. She needed to study for the upcoming exams, and she knew she wouldn't be passing them if she were at her own home. Which was filled with nonsensical yelling about half the day. 
"She talked to Draco." Elliott said suddenly. Though he flinched at Ava's reaction, because she didn't seem to pleased at this sudden revelation.

"Oh." she faltered. If she could slump any further into her seat she would. "So Draco didn't go home then?" 

"No," Elliott looked out the window and then back at Ava. "He stayed back."

The train slowly pulled in to a stop, and Ava felt a weight off of her shoulders, though this was now replaced by a bubbling in her stomach. She hopped off of the train, ignoring the whispers from the two girls behind her.
"Did you hear that she was caught having sex with Snape up in the astronomy tower?" One of the girls said.
"You actually believe that?" said the other girl. Ava felt relief. Until the girl spoke again. 

"Why shouldn't I believe it?" 

"That's just a coverup," the other girl said. "to hide from the fact that Ava's a deatheater." Ava clenched her jaw and spun around. Determined to end these rumours once and for all.

"Can you shut the fuck up flappy?" She asked.

"Flappy?" One of the girls repeated.

"Yeah, flappy. Flappy because you never stop flapping your lips. And that applies to your stank ass pussy too." Ava snapped.

There was a cough from behind Ava, and she slowly turned around. None other than Severus Snape stood behind her. 

"That will be three months detentio-" Snape was cut off by Ava.
"You shut up too, and wash your hair." She practically screamed. She rushed past him and into the castle. Rushing straight down into the dungeons and into the common room.

fireflies- Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now