freds theme

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Ava ran as fast as her long legs could take her. Which was very fast. Like almost horse-like. It was almost scary.

She shuffled into the crowd of people, who watched as Harry stood in front of the Dark Lord.

And then she watched in horror, and Draco Malfoy, crossed the border between good and evil for a final time. After a short, and awkward hug with Voldemort. He was officially on the dark side.

Ava wanted to cry. But she had to stay strong for her dead friends. 

Suddenly, in the distance, a series of fireworks went off. 

So loud, so many.

The sky lit up in a series of colours. Oranges and golds. 

The bright letters of "Weasleys Wizard Wheezes" illuminated the sky. 

Suddenly Voldemort began to scratch at his face- and then...

"SURPRISE!" Voldemort yelled. The mask fell off of his face, revealing none other than Fred Weasley. 

Harry stumbled back, the motion followed by a sudden gasp in the crowd. 

From afar, George Weasley emerged from the shadows. 

"This was all an elaborate prank mate!" He laughed.

"I'll admit it was difficult." Fred began. "I mean we had to use a time turner to go back in time and kill your parents Harry. But we did it!"

"Oh my god..." Harry said. He put his hand over his mouth. A deep and hearty laugh escaped from the back of his throat. "Classic Weasley prank!!" Harry laughed.

Elliot and Margaret emerged from the crowd, laughing and high fiving. 

"Nice one Fred!!" Margaret said. 

Fred gave her a hug.

"Couldn't have done it without you." he smiled. 

Ava leaned over and threw up. The large crowd of death eaters began laughing. Everybody was high fiving. 

"such a good prank bro" Seamus was heard muttering.

"so funny man." Dean agreed.

Draco ran to Ava, and hugged her. She understood now that voldemort wasn't real. 

Maybe things would be okay

fireflies- Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now