who is "we"

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Ava sat in the great hall for what felt like the thousandth time. She ignored the feeling of Draco's eyes burning into the back of her skull. 

"Is he staring?" Ava whispered. Elliott dropped the book he was reading onto the table, sitting down. He tried to look over at Malfoy as subtly as possible. But Malfoy was staring at the both of them. At the three of them in fact. 
"Shit." Elliott muttered, rolling his eyes and sitting down.

"He's staring." Margaret confirmed. Sitting down beside Elliott. Elliott pushed the book further towards Ava, ignoring the urge to yell at Malfoy to turn around. But so far Draco hadn't said a word about the incident to Snape, or anybody else for that matter. The group couldn't help but wonder why. 

"Maybe he hit his head so hard he forgot?" Elliott shrugged.
"Maybe he's going to blackmail me." Maggie said, taking a sip of her water.
"Or-" Ava cut them both off, often being the rational one of the three, "he knows he deserved it."

"Weren't you just feeling bad for him?" Elliott countered. Ava let a huff of air rush out of her nose.

"I heard a rumour about him..." Ava started, "somebody on the train kept on saying that Draco's parents don't love him. Like they totally neglect him at home."
Silence fell over the three of them for the first time in months. Suddenly Margaret snorted.
"If my kid looked like that I'd neglect him too." Margaret said, trying to hold back her laughter.
"I was about to say the SAME thing!" Elliott exclaimed, holding his stomach as he rocked with laughter. Ava slammed her fist down onto the table with such force that the great hall fell silent. She was making a scene.

"Enough!" Ava screeched. "just because he's an insufferable little git doesn't mean we have to take every chance to abuse him." Before either of her friends could answer, Ava stormed off. 

"What the fuck was that?" Margaret asked, getting up slowly, watching all eyes on her and Elliott.
"Embarrassing." Elliott said. 

They tried to follow Ava out the door, but she had run off before they got the chance.

Down near the Slytherin common room, Ava sat against the wall. She was torn. She felt awful about the way she had been treated by Draco. But she was going to be in her sixth year soon, and she had to be mature. The wizarding world wasn't that big, so chances are she'd have to see Draco after they graduated. And he seemed like the type of person to hold a grudge. 

She heard footsteps around the corridor, and quickly wiped her face. It was just Draco. She avoided all eye contact with him as she stood up, walking past him into the common room, and up into her dorm.

She laid there for a few hours in her bed. Trying to understand what she had done to Draco for him to hate her like this. She wasn't friends with Harry and the other Gryffindors, though they didn't hate each other. She hadn't gone out of her way to be rude to the blond boy, until he had gone out of the way himself first.

Eventually she cried herself to sleep. So tired that she couldn't even create a coherent sentence in her own head before she fell into a dreamless state.

Hopefully, tomorrow would be better.

fireflies- Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now