brown rope and rafters

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Draco wasn't in first period. Neither was Margaret. Or second period. They weren't in the great hall, the library, or even near the lake. Ava had begun to suspect the worst. Until after dinner. Her plan was to confront Margaret, and figure out why she had gotten so close to Draco. She rushed down to the common room before dinner, and ran upstairs to where Margarets dorm was. She knocked six times, and nobody answered. She opened the door.

And then she screamed.

Margaret was dead, hanging from the rafters. A small suicide note was on her bedside table. Ava went and picked it up.

She read it out loud. 

"She put a pill in my water and now i feel bloated all the time- Bisan in that one, INCREDIBLE, incredible fan fiction written by Serpenttne! The fanficiton so beautiful it changed my life. A fanfiction better than the CN tower, the Eiffel tower, or even the hat phic. Also if you're reading this its becuz i killed myself lolz, byeeeeee asf bae" Ava broke down in tears. Elliott walked in, and Ava handed the note to him.

"Why did she do this?" Ava asked.

Elliott couldn't speak he was so confused. A teacher heard all the commotion and rushed upstairs, followed by the rest of the students. 

She had killed herself in the dress she was planning on wearing to the slightly delayed Yule Ball. Ava felt sick. She needed some fresh air.

She walked outside the castle grounds, and down to the back lake, ignoring the cold nipping at her face.

She heard sobbing, and so she went to see who it was.

It was Draco.

"Why are you crying?" Ava demanded.

"Margarets dead." He sobbed. "I was supposed to take her to the yule ball." He told her. 

"Why are you telling me this?" Ava asked.

"Because you asked?" Draco said. His voice was so sad. So empty.

"Yeah well I don't really care!" Ava laughed, she held up her fingers in the shape of an L, pressing it to her forehead. "loser." she laughed again. She went back inside. She didn't feel any better. She just felt worse. Maybe. She thought to herself. I could just bully Draco until I feel good about myself again. She nodded her head. That's exactly what she was going to do.

fireflies- Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now