time skip

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A/N I'm gonna be 10000% honest with you, I have no idea where i left off the last chapter, and i have no intention on going back and looking, so i'm doing a time jump. before you say smth or try and inbox me again, idgaf if im contradicting smth in the last story, i literally do not give a fuck, so dont try and say smth, because i genuinely do not care.

It had been four months since Ava and Draco had their first good encounter, one where neither of them were arguing back and forth, kicking or spitting on each other. They for once, had decided on not being total assholes to each other. And Ava thought this was a nice outcome.

Of course she had feelings for the blond boy ,but if being friends with him was the closet she could get, she would take it. Even though she'll admit, it was selfish allowing herself to get so close to him, even though she knew he didn't feel the same way. He was probably into Pansy. Pansy had such feminine shoulders, and her hymen was probably still intact because she doesn't ride horses.

Ava walked down the hallway to the dorms, singing her favourite song out loud, and almost tap dancing on her way down the dungeons.

"Let's go all, the way tonight! No regrets, just love. We can dance, until we die. You and I, we'll be young forever!! You make me, feel like I'm living a teen-age dream! The way you turn me on. I can't sleep." She was standing in the middle of the hall at this point just singing at the top of her lungs. She suddenly felt the urge to turn around.

"Draco" She breathed, "you scared me."

"you can't sing." Draco said flatly, "please never try again."

"oh" Ava faltered, she took a deep breath. "Well if that's how you feel."

"It is." Draco confirmed. 

"Oh." She repeated.

"Ok..." Draco looked around, "um, I'm gonna, go now."

"Wait!" Ava called out, she whipped her ENTIRE body around, her broad shoulders brushing against the wall. But it was too late, Draco was gone. 

"Dracock!!!" Ava wailed. But nobody was around to hear her cry.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Pansy asked.

"Whats it to you?" Ava snarled, baring her sharp, canine like teeth. 
Pansy's eyes widened in fear and she backed up against the wall, a steady stream of urine leaking down her pant legs. Ava began to snap her jaw open and closed, as if she were biting the air.

"Stay back!" Pansy shrieked, her eyes began to water, and loud cries came from her throat as Ava leaned forward. 

"Stay AWAY FROM DRACOCK!!!!" Ava roared, her voice was so loud that Pansy's hair began to blow with the sheer force of Avas breath. Ava began breathing heavily, and looked up to the moon. She howled. And then leaned forward, biting down on Pansy's pale throat. Pansy dropped to the floor, and Ava quickly moved her body outside, before walking back into the hall.

Draco walked back in, and began sniffing. 

"What are you doing?" Ava asked, scared that he would smell the blood. Draco got down on his hands and knees, and put one of his fingers in Pansy's fluids. He smelled his finger, and then touched it to his tongue. He smiled.

"I can smell urine from a mile away." His grin was ear to ear.
"Let's go Dray, we don't want to be late." Ava smiled, she looped her arm in Draco's and they walked off.

fireflies- Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now