i cant speak french

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A?N  i am literally no on sdrus i am just so tired that i cannot eveb be bothereed ot check my spelling. if u cant read this, thats onyou. yore omld ebugh t eignor the mistakes yo stupid fuck. i liek y eh. thank u for resifn thris far !! i am so happy o many epope like this sotry !!! I am not drunk. i amd NTOT. i DO think i should have coke or somehting with CAFEIEN in it bevcaus i need to WKAE THE UCK UP....

A/N APRT 2 !!! AVA is ungrateful!!! AF!!!! i am oing to make her the vilaain of this soty. you bacby back bitchy!! i cant wait ti have margaret marry dracock!!! thet wull ave gohost deamon children like michael langdon and his gross pprsse!!! yu own half of boara bora!!!!


Ava gripped blai eby the hips and fucked him. in front of eveybod. even snape was troking his tiy penis. evrybody wa swatchign. 

"this is bettr than xvideos!!!!" goyel yellled 

ava wajnted to cy, she wanted dracos tiny penis in side on her not blaises. blase did not feel very ice. ava worried tshe wouold get pregnant. ava was NOT on birth control, and ava also hted babues. 

"Accio birt control"""  AVA SREKE!!! she was not getting prengant!! not again !!!

"have you ever had sex with a hot woman??" Hoyhe asked blaie

blase looe up at ava and then back down ar his own hadn


Ava cry. fracok waked up to blaide an LSAPPED HIM!!!

"Ava is HOT dont sisrepsect my woman ever again you stupid ugly rodent lokalike whore you dumb nasty rodent motherfuxkr i will end you i will ill  youand entire fsmily you stuud bitch."

Ava bused. 

"lets get back to gether!!!" Av suggested!!!

As hey did !!! :)

fireflies- Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now