Did she really matter?

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In a world of people, she asked herself, did she really matter?

He told her all kinds of things.

Things that made her want to die, in a good way.

Things that made her want to scream.

Things that made her want to kiss him.

Things that made her want to hold him.

His world.

His Wonder Woman.

His princess.

His galaxy.

His girl.


All really cute words.


Her heart skipped a beat for a second then she asked herself, does he really mean them?

He said he did.

But it's hard for her to believe.

Hard for her to believe that someone could love her for her and not to get in her pants.

It hurt, just thinking that way, it hurt,.

But she couldn't be blamed.

When that is what she was taught.

Trust no one.

Every man for himself, or rather, every girl for herself.


Deep down, she really wanted to believe him but she knew better.

If she let her guard down, it would be slammed back in her face.

She really wanted to believe, with all her heart that he was the one, that she did matter.

That he could love her right.

But maybe, she was jumping too fast, maybe she wasn't supposed to be thinking about this.

Maybe she should wait.

Her time would come.




Hard to believe that someone exists on this planet made just for you. Like imagine, how special must you be that there is another special person ONLY for you and no one else.

I want to hold that person when I meet them.


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