Do you ever just wonder...?

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A girl just like any other. But didn't think like any other.

She thought a lot. When she did that her mind was clear of all things including her phone, she just sat down and her mind thought of all that could be.

She came up with impossible questions, not really impossible as in impossible to answer but ones that just took more brain power than the average human being willing to spend. She always thought why they weren't willing to spend the brain power. Whenever she asked other people they always answered with 'I don't knows' and said she thought too much. Was there really such a thing as thinking too much?

Over thinking was understandable, it was when one thought about something in particular too much as in they kept repeating. That started to make them doubt things.

She thought about the future.

Like, who is going to marry her?

Where is he?

What was he doing in that very moment?

What did he like?

What did he like doing in his free time?

What was his favorite subject?

Did he like to "think a lot" like her?

Would he answer her "impossible" questions?

Would he do all the things guys in books did to their wives/girlfriends?

Would he be proud of the fact that she "thought too much"?

Would he take her for who she was?

All these questions and not a single answer, for an answer she was going to have to be patient.

But she wondered if anyone else "thought too much" like her?

She's not worried about the future, she's just day dreaming about a prince like any other girl would. And it makes her wonder, what kind of person will he be that he would accept all of the shit she carries with her and maybe help her carry them.

What kind of person would not see anything bad in her because all the bad he would see as good?

What kind of person would wake up in the morning before she did and cook for her?

What kind of person would do all the cooking because she didn't? Unless she felt like it.

What kind of person would he be?

Who was this person?

If she finds him, when, when she finds him...she'll want to shout it out to the world.


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