Just like everbody else.

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She puts anyone and everyone she meets into two groups.

Like everybody else.


They keep their word.


Honestly, she is a little not right in the head. She has suspected that for about five years now. But it's not her fault, she was made this way by the world.


She meets people.

She decides if she likes them or not.

She tries to notice little things about them.

Things that maybe they do because they are in a certain situations.

The way they talk.

What they are saying.

Can she pick an ulterior meaning?

And then she puts them into the two groups.


Back in high school, she had friends, probably not the best but friends all the same. She didn't know it in the beginning but she did in the end.

There are people who will do as they say.

Ones that say I have a habit of eating in a certain way and they actually do.

And then there are the ones that just say for the sake of appearances.

She learnt it the hard way.

She used to recommend all sorts of stuff to people because she liked them but it was mostly so another person could like them too and they could talk about it together.

She understands her intentions were purely selfish.

But they never did and then they recommend stuff to her and expect her to do it.

This stuff doesn't just stop at recommendations, it goes as far as saying 'oh I'll come over tomorrow' but never doing it.

She expects you to do as you say.

If you don't then your just like everybody else.

It's not necessarily a bad thing but she wouldn't see you in the greatest light.

For example, a girl who asked her to show how she downloaded music on Apple devices and she expected her to go through with it, as in bring her phone. She never did.

And she just realized that she was just like everybody else.


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