Have you ever...?

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Have you ever lost someone close to you? Have you ever thought what they would go through after death? What if you had one more day with them? What if you could say goodbye one last time? What if you could say the things you always wanted to say?

Losing a loved one is never easy. Be it a friend, a family member or just someone you know. The person you just know although you may not feel love for them but it would hurt. It would hurt because you knew them and suddenly they are gone.

It's not easy coming terms with the fact that that person is no longer in this world. That you would never hear their voice again. Never hear them cough or see them again. That you would now have to keep correcting yourself when you use the wrong tense. Your heart is always searching for them, when a person speaks they would sound similar to the person you lost and it would dawn on you all over again that this is person is no longer breathing the same air as you. No longer on earth.

People won't always understand.

They would tell you comforting things to make you feel better, that your loved one will come in your dreams. That they will forever stay in your heart.

They don't understand that that's not enough. A dream is not enough, it will fade eventually just like every other dream. By then you would forget about them, the pain would turn to memory. But you don't want that. You don't want to forget about them.

You are still in shock that you met your loved one a few days ago.

They are there one minute and the next they are gone.

No matter how many people you have lost the pain never gets easier.

It gets worse.

Because your heart has lost so many people that they want to hold onto every person you love and so it holds on tighter on the next person.

The only thing that you can do is to keep moving forward. Don't look back, because the past is a black hole. Once your in it there won't be a way out, it will consume you until you are a shell of what you once were.

That's why they say keep moving forward. Take one day at a time.

It's not always easy but who said life was ever easy.


I hope no one ever has to experience the pain of a loved one dying. It's absolutely awful. You feel like you are in a dark place with no light to guide you. If you ever need anyone to talk to, know that I am here.

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