The Kingpin Arc Part 4: I want Answers!

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After Peter, Midoriya, Tony and Miles left the Warehouse after the Fight with the Sinister Six, They head back to the Hotel to catch some rest and Peter is going to want some answers from Miles, However, Back with the Sinister Six. Mysterio has teleported them and Himself Back To Kingpin's Office, Once They appeared, The six are still on the ground as they Groan. Kingpin Raised an Eyebrow at them, Seeing them Groaning in pain and Not getting up, Just by seeing this can tell Kingpin that they were Taken down. 

Kingpin gets up from his chair " I can tell from you six, Groaning, Soaked, and On the floor like a Bunch of Kinder Gardners cuddling up for Nap Time. I can tell, Oh wait no! I saw, That You six were Defeated not by One, But Two Spider-Mans! And Now we have Four Heroes trying to stop me!" Shouted Kingpin. Scorpion gets up and he talks " How are we supposed to know that Another Spider-Man will come and save them!? Huh!? He came out of nowhere! Plus we couldn't even see him! He was like a Ghost!" Shouted Scorpion for a reply.

" I don't care if you didn't  See him or not! What You six should of done, Is to Grab That Green Haired Boy! And Transfer him here! So I can take some of that Power of his!" Kingpin said, Doc Ock's tentacles push him up " You don't understand Wilson, We need a Better way to Take the Boy, His Quirk is to fast and strong for us to just snatch him like those ridiculous Cartoons" Said Doc Ock.

" He is right, If we want to catch that Broccoli Haired Kpop wannabe, We have to think of something that not even him or the others suspect" Said Electro. Wilson groans a bit, He turns around and face the Window seeing the city of Las Vegas. " Think of Anything, I am Not Paying you Six Ten Grand for Nothing" Said Kingpin, The rest of the six got back up as they leave Kingpin's office. As the six are walking down the halls, Electro crosses his arms and zapped in front of the six.

" Why the hell are we even working for that Fat Obese Nikocado Avocado wannabe? We can just take that power just for us, Beside it's not even worth a dang to earn that Ten Grand from him, We can just easily steal Twice of the money from a bank." Electro stated, Green Goblin signals Him to the other side of the Halls where no Guards or other workers for Kingpin will see them. Electro levitates to where Goblin signaled as well with the others.

" We are gonna betray Mr.Fisk Electro, That man may be the boss of the streets, But he is no boss of us!" Green Goblin said as he started to Crackle a bit. " Yea, Rhino can Crush Pin down like a Rotten Tomato, But for the Meantime we are acting like we are companions of him, You know I hate the Spider-Man more then him, Especially that Deku" Rhino said.

" I like the way you Five think" Electro said with a smirk, The six Started To chuckles together evilly but Little do they know that Tombstone has been hearing them from the other side of the Hallway, He grins and doesn't make a sudden move, When The sinister six exit the hallway, Tombstone starts to walk to Kingpin's office.

~ Back with Peter~

Ironman is flying beside the Balcony of Peter and Midoriya's room, Spider-Man crawls to the Balcony with Miles as Deku Jumps high and lands on the Balcony. The three turn around to face Tony.

" Ok, So somehow I never expected for Miles to be here, But the thing is I won't be apple to rent him a room of his own because I....Don't seem to have much of money right now, So he has to bunk with one of you two tonight." Said Ironman while he is levitating, The three eyes widen as they shouted " WHAT!?" 

" Mr.Stark you can't be serious! I think I know where all that Money went, Because You gambled back in the Casino!" Shouted Spider-Man as he took off his mask, Ironman shaked his head no quickly " No! I never went to the Casino! I just spent on some Luxury Whine that's all!" Replied Ironman.

" Sorry to say this Mr.stark....But when Peter called you....It sounded that you were in The casino" Said Midoriya and Ironman turns around to him " NO I DID NOT! Now you three get some rest!" Ironman flies away. Peter shaked his head as he walked back in the room, Miles takes off his mask and follows peter " So...I think you are wanting some answers?..." He said awkwardly.

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