The Evolutionary Arc Part 1: Welcome to Knowhere

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It is dark but lighten with stars, The Milano would fly in the speed of light with The guardians of the Galaxy and Uraraka inside. Star lord would be jamming out to some of his classic 80s music while the others are seated except for uraraka. She would be looking out of one of the Milano's windows to see the space since it was her first and perhaps the only time she would ever see the galaxy with her own eyes.

"So's so colorful outside earth, but again it's also quite terrifying out here." Said Uraraka as she rubbed the back of her head. She would walk over to where the rest of the guardians are and would see them just minding their own business, Uraraka wanted to ask them some questions but she doesn't wanna make them overwhelmed with her questions.

" Is that your name?" Said star lord as he lowered the volume to his music "um...It's actually Uraraka, or you guys can call me Ochaco since you guys call people by their first name" she responded.

"Gotcha, How does everything look like in your world? Like does aliens come to invade and heroes rise up to beat them down or everything is normal" Questioned Star Lord, Uraraka thinks a way to describe her world "well I guess I can say that Mostly the world's population have quirks, but according what stark said-" She would then get cut off by Drax.

"What the hell is quirk?" Said Drax, Uraraka froze for a bit "oh..It's basically a term for powers" she responded. " Why the hell is it called that? 'Quirks'" said Rocket "that sounds super ridiculous to say".

"Yea it sounds very quirky" Star lord said as joke but of course, No one laughed as everyone just looked at him. "Okay, not funny, got it"

"I am Groot" said Groot. "Yea I get it Groot, don't rub it in my face" said Star lord. Uraraka looks up at Groot "It would be helpful if someone could tell me what he said" said Uraraka.

"Groot told Quill that he should stop with the jokes and focus more on becoming captain, which I kind of agree with him" said Gamora, Star Lord would turn around quick "Hey it was my first time trying to be funny alright" said Star Lord as he faces back to his direction.

"If it isn't too much...can you tell me your guy's quirks?" Said Uraraka, The guardians would stay quiet for a moment until Rocket speaked "uh...we don't have any powers...I guess Groot counts". Groot will just smile, Uraraka would sit down "Um...besides our mission, have you guys been on a dangerous mission?" She would questioned again.

"We fought one of Kree warlords Ronan, and stopped Quill's father who was a living Planet" said Gamora, Uraraka eyes widen after hearing the last part "Your father was a planet!?" She said in a shocked toned.

"Yea he was an eating planet who killed my mother by implanting a tumor on her head" Said Star Lord. Uraraka was very surprised after hearing that "wow...This universe is filled with so much crazy things" she said Softly.

"Oh our apologies that our world is not perfect like yours! Matter fact I'm sorry that our world doesn't have many living people with Quirks!" Said Rocket, Uraraka would stay silent "I-I didn't mean that way Rocket Raccoon-" after Uraraka said that, Groot will make a little groan as he looked to the side, and Drax smacked his lips "shouldn't have called him that".

Rocket will slowly turn his chair around, making him look at Uraraka "Let me tell you something human, I AM NOT A RACOON! That's gonna be my one and only warning for you!" Rocket pointed at her as he turns chair around facing back.

"My apologies- I promise I won't say that again Rocket" She apologized to him.

After a while of flying through the Galaxy, The team will make it to Knowhere, The Headquarters of the guardians of the galaxy. Uraraka will look at their place but would get terrified a bit since it's a floating head "uh...That's your guy's headquarters? A giant...Floating alien head?" she said a bit terrified.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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