Ch.2 Welcome to New York

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As The team Left the My hero Academia world and Arrived in the Marvel Universe, The Team comes out of the portal as they arrive in Sanctum Sanctorum, Dr.Strange closes the portal as Peter and his friends look around the place.

" Huh, Is this a Library? Because this Got to be the most biggest Library I ever seen" Said Momo as she walks to one of the books.

" This is Sanctum Sanctorum, a Sacred place where us Mystical Sorcerer's learn about all Mystical Magic" Responded Dr.Strange, Midoryia looked around the place in a Surprised look, Bakugou just stood there.

" Sorry, Um...Mr.strange, But where is the exit? Sorry, I am just so excited to see New York!" Uraraka said excitedly, Dr.Strange pointed to the front door but Tony walked to the door and stand there blocking it. " I understand all of you...Well not you peter or wade, But you all are excited to see Our world, But I got to say this, And Listen! This world is nothing like you're guys world, No one here were born with quirks, They are just regular people, Oh! And don't show off your quirk in public! Or shout out ' I'm a hero! oh hey ladies and gentle men, Wanna see my quirk!?' No, Non of that! Hide your quirk from everyone, Don't reveal it, Because if you do, People will film you and post it on social media, And rather the Government, FBI, Or the Military will find you, Understood?" Said Tony stark as he crossed his arms looking at the students, Everyone shaked their heads " Yes sir" They all said.

" Great....Oh right, Raven head, we need something to hide your real head" Said Tony and Tokoyami's eyes widen. " What!? Why!?" Shouted Tokoyami, " Well, In this world, We don't have heads like your's....So you got to hide your real identity from the public, we don't them to yell in fear or anything right?" Said Tony and Tokoyami sighed 

" Dang, That's gonna suck for you Bro" Said Kirishima. " Yea...Sorry about that Tokoyami, But Look it's just gonna for a while until we find somewhere to stay in the Meanwhile." Said Peter as he patted Tokoyami's back.

Nova brings a Black Hoodie for Tokoyami as he Put's on the Hoodie and put's the Hood over him, Tokoyami covers his beak with a Mask. " This is so unfair..." Said a Embearrased Tokoyami

" My guy...I WEAR A MASK FOR A LIVNG TO HIDE MY FREDDY KRUEGER FACE! 24/7!" Shouted Deadpool but then a little Chuckle escaped from His mouth, " My guy looks like a Muslim women wearing a Hijab" Said Deadpool as he started laughing, Peter and Kirishima look at Tokoyami as they actually see it and they both started to laugh.

" Shut up you three!...I hate this trip already..." Said a Embarrassed Tokoyami, " Knock it off you three" Said Iida 

" Ok...Well kids, Welcome to Queens, New York" Says Tony as he opens the door, Showing a Little Cloudy sky, People walking on the sidewalks and all the Beautiful buildings, As everyone walked out of Sanctum Sanctorum, Dr.Strange stays with Nova in the Sanctorum as the door closes, Everyone from The MHA world looks around the lovely city with smiles.

 " It's So beautiful!" Said Uraraka as her eyes sparkle

" It's to god dam crowded in this city!" Shouted Bakugou, " Oh My bad! I'm sorry that my place isn't peaceful and neat like Your place" Said a Sarcastic Tony stark, Peter smiled and sniffed the air and stretched, " Ahh...I missed this place, It feels great to be Home" 

" By the way, while you all were packing, I rented a House for you all the share while you all are staying here until Thanos is Defeated...Which I don't know when, But you all will behave and don't destroy anything in the house." Said Tony stark, Deadpool spots a Taxi driver that he recognizes. " Oh my god...Is that My old buddy I see!?" Deadpool whistled to the taxi driver and waved at him, The driver sees deadpool as he pulls up the Taxi cab and he rolled down the window.

Is that My old buddy I see!?" Deadpool whistled to the taxi driver and waved at him, The driver sees deadpool as he pulls up the Taxi cab and he rolled down the window

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