Ch.3 Fury and most of the Avengers

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The Crew started off their morning to get ready to Head to the Avengers HQ, Peter brushed his teeth and combed his hair, Midoryia Tying his shoes and he sneaks his Notebook and a Pencil to take notes, and the Others getting ready....While deadpool is still wearing his suit like always and doesn't bother to wash it for once, As everyone walked out of their rooms, They all walked out of the House and they see a Quinjet waiting for them.

" Is that...Woah, Did Tony send us that?" Kirishima said a bit surprised, As the jet door opens and Tony stark coming out of it, " Hope non of you kids have Motion sickness, Because it will suck for whoever have to clean it up" Said Tony stark.

" God damn it...I just ate a Chimichanga...And now I feel like it's gonna come back up because of that thing" Said Deadpool And Momo walks to the Quinjet as she views it. " This is some type of jet Mr.stark, do you own this?" Questioned Momo and Tony shakes his head no as he points at the Avengers Symbol in the door.

" Wow, So the Avengers have their own Jet? Do you guys have your own submarine...Or your own Mobiles?" Questioned Midoryia as he pulled out his Notebook. " No we don't have no Submarines or Mobiles, And this is a Quinjet, It's called that because of the 5 jet thrusters that gives it it's propulsion." Responded Tony stark and Midoryia quickly took notes on that which Tony raised his eyebrow just watching him taking down notes. As everyone enters the Quinjet and the door closes, The quinjet started to float up as it's five boosters went on full turbo and the quinjet started to accelerate,

After a quick flight back to Headquarters, The Quinjet lands slowly onto the ground, As the door opens Deadpool quickly rushed out quickly as he lifted up his mask and started to puke on bushes, As everyone got out as they look up at the Avengers tower.

" Now this is what I call a Super hero headquarters" Said Tsuyu, " Wow...I...Oh my god I just want to go inside already" Said Midoryia.

" I can't even imagine how long it took construction workers to build this whole thing" Said Todoroki, As Tony walks to the front door and he inputs the code, The door opens. " Come in kids, Welcome to Avengers HQ" Said Tony as he walks in, As everyone walks in, The whole MHA students looked around the place, Peter sniffed the fresh scent of the place " Ahh, I missed that feeling."

" Where are we heading to Mr.stark?" Questioned Iida as Tony presses the 1st floor button on the elevator " We are going to meet the Founder of The Avengers, And we will discuss the missions and group of teams you all will be assigned for tomorrow" Said Tony as the elevator opens.

" Oh my god....Bro I am so pumped up for this!" Said Kirishima excitedly, " I know right! We are gonna work with other heroes from another world!" Said Uraraka, As everyone got in the Elevator but Deadpool yeeted himself in after he is done puking.

" Watch it!" Shouted Bakugou, " I'm sorry! That Chimichanga didn't like that ride, So it ejected out of my mouth instead of where the Prostate is at" Said Deadpool as he got up, Tony and Peter both facepalmed at the same time as the elevator started to go up, While the Elevator reaches the first floor, The door opens as they all walked out.

" Welcome back Peter, Wade, And greetings to the new bees from the different world" Said a Voice that is coming from a chair which is facing the window, " Um...Who on earth said that?" Questioned Tokoyami, The chair spinned slowly facing the team as a bald man with an eye patch is looking at them " The name is Fury, Nick Fury, And I am the founder of The Avengers" Said Nick fury as he got up from his chair.

" It's nice to meet you Nick! I am Izuku Midoryia, Can I ask you some questions?" Said Midoryia, " No you may not for now, But I will be asking you all the questions, Except Peter and Wade, As you all Know, Tony told me about you all, And you also know we are facing a Big Crisis right now, A mad Alien is looking for the Infinity stones, And wants to wipe half of living things in the Universe away, You all are lucky for being chosen, But I have to say, This is a risk, A risk of all of your lives to fight for a World that you all are not in" Said Fury.

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